Ustream Taps Out, Gives Pirate IP Addres

 Ok, now I'm awake and can think a little clearer.  Perhaps Zuffa is not trying to completely stop pirating but just make it very difficult to get a stream.  The money they lose is from a small percentage of people who like the UFC and may buy it but if streams become very popular and easy to find then why would they?

Disregard my above post.

pfff...! At best they'll probably scare a few people into not streaming anymore and maybe some of them might buy a PPV, and i think Zuffa know this.

As for the FBI going after overseas proxies... How would that make it anywhere even near the top of their to-do list?

chingluksuwa - pfff...! At best they'll probably scare a few people into not streaming anymore and maybe some of them might buy a PPV, and i think Zuffa know this.

As for the FBI going after overseas proxies... How would that make it anywhere even near the top of their to-do list?
Yeah like i said, Microsoft, Universal Studios and even nerd friendly companies like Apple can't stop pirating.  But I think that Zuffa does want to scare just enough people so watching streams does not become super easy and when new fans enter the sport through Zuffa channels (Versus, Spike etc) and end up becoming paying customers.

What they don't want is for the UFC to become the new "Kimbo" where people just check it out online for free and never want to pay for it.


 Right, but depending who it is Zuffa can make it very hard for them to do business.

bismanfightclub - 
Morgz -  they are not losing "tens of millions" due to streams.  Do they actually think viewers of those streams automatically translate to revenue if those streams dissapear?

Personally, I buy every single UFC event.  However, there are some overseas events that are occasionally available ONLY by web stream, and I have been fortunate to watch those.  However, take those web streams away, and that in no way means I am suddenly going to go purchase a PPV of that event.  I just won't see the friggin event.

How in the world this translates to "lost revenue" is a mystery to me. 

 LOL, that's like saying when someone steals a product from a store the store didn't acutally lose anything, cause the person stealing the pants wasn't going to buy them anyway.  Stealing a product is stealing.  Not to mention in this case there are a lot of people who don't buy becuause they know they can get it for free, but would buy it if there was no other way so even if you only count that %, I am sure it is still several millions of $'s.

Failed logic fails. Comparing streaming a product with stealing a physical item is ridiculous.


^^^ No, it's not ridiculous. It may or may not be correct, but it's far from ridiculous. If you have to reach that far, you are doing something wrong. We all let go of objectivity at times. This one is your time.

so, who here NARC'd?

I never even knew what a stream was until Zuffa brought this to my attn. I might have to give this a try.. does it really save you 55.95?

JimmersonzGlove - 
Rappy Gilmore - 

Go make an album and see how you feel when nobody purchases it because they could download it for free...

 I'm in this boat. Album sales are waaay down, especially for independant music which has a more hardcore fanbase and savvy fans. Lots of bands cant even get recording budgets anymore.

But pandora's box has been opened...there's no going back. Adapt and survive
What about the bands who offer free, legit mp3 downloads as sample of their work, in order to get fans interested in hopes of buying the whole record?  I have done this countless times, most recently with the philly jays.  The "free" stuff (legal or not) can work both ways.

Besides, the music industry has changed drastically the last 10 years.  Record sales are no longer the sole focus for revenue generation.  Now it's much more about making money off of live shows and merch.

Morgz - 
JimmersonzGlove - 
Rappy Gilmore - 

Go make an album and see how you feel when nobody purchases it because they could download it for free...

 I'm in this boat. Album sales are waaay down, especially for independant music which has a more hardcore fanbase and savvy fans. Lots of bands cant even get recording budgets anymore.

But pandora's box has been opened...there's no going back. Adapt and survive
What about the bands who offer free, legit mp3 downloads as sample of their work, in order to get fans interested in hopes of buying the whole record?  I have done this countless times, most recently with the philly jays.  The "free" stuff (legal or not) can work both ways.

Besides, the music industry has changed drastically the last 10 years.  Record sales are no longer the sole focus for revenue generation.  Now it's much more about making money off of live shows and merch.

all correct.

also regarding recording budgets, i don't think it is that huge anymore... i got Cubase for a small sum and can basically make a professional enough recording by myself at home.... it's all good!

If I want to send my own bands CD to someone on the internet, its easier to download the shit illegally and send it to them opposed to taking one out of shrink wrap, ripping it, then sending it.

is it illegal if you're downloading your own cd illegally? sue yourself! lol

you're right saying it's all about adapt and survive... funny how some music companies have refused to understand or adopt this until it has become theeir only choice, and by then they've lost alot of money they would have otherwise saved if they just adapted quicker!

I'm thinking Zuffa might do the same maybe?

They can't do anything about overseas streams. Some of those are decent too.

^ yeah i know... just sounded funny

Zuffa is wasting money.

It's been said already - if the movie, software, and music industry can't stop it, why do they think they can?

They should be using that money to find creative ways to grow the sport and mitigate the piracy.

Why is it that football, baseball, and basketball can be seen for free and yet they all have deeper pockets than all of MMA and boxing combined.

The PPV system is archaic and obselete and it will destroy the sport if changes aren't made.

^^ What makes you think Zuffa execs think they will *stop* piracy? Serious question.

Cuex - Zuffa is wasting money.

It's been said already - if the movie, software, and music industry can't stop it, why do they think they can?

They should be using that money to find creative ways to grow the sport and mitigate the piracy.

Why is it that football, baseball, and basketball can be seen for free and yet they all have deeper pockets than all of MMA and boxing combined.

The PPV system is archaic and obselete and it will destroy the sport if changes aren't made.

 It cost's $300/season to get the NFL games.  I'm not sure what MLB, NBA and others are, I don't buy them.