Ustream Taps Out, Gives Pirate IP Addres

Nicknitro - The IP's are useless if they're hosting the streams in someplace like Russia or Venezuala.

What is Zuffa going to do? Sue people in these countries? No, wont happen.

 The concept you fail to grasp is that if they got a court injunction, etc. they could pressure anyone doing business with said 'offshore' companies. It is not as clear cut as you may think. Nobody is out of reach completely. Nobody.

Zuffa has the best lawyers in the world. They will find you.

Can they keep up with the internets? Most likely not.

But they ain't no bitch.

 By the time Zuffa realizes these streams are the ones causing this rapid growth in MMAs popularity it will be too late for them...they'll have missed the boat. morons.

Seriously.....get the fuck outta here....

mrzipplokk - 
Nicknitro - The IP's are useless if they're hosting the streams in someplace like Russia or Venezuala.

What is Zuffa going to do? Sue people in these countries? No, wont happen.

 The concept you fail to grasp is that if they got a court injunction, etc. they could pressure anyone doing business with said 'offshore' companies. It is not as clear cut as you may think. Nobody is out of reach completely. Nobody.

I disagree; the mechanism by which the law is enforced often leaves a gap between what is legal and what is allowed to continue. There are many different scenarios where these lawsuits yield nothing.

This is a messy lawsuit and injunctions of the sort you're describing would be difficult to obtain.

Rappy Gilmore -  They're not going after people streaming the fights....they're going after people that host the streams.  These guys are stealing and promoting a loss of business for Zuffa.

lol @ the people saying it's not a big deal stealing property like this.

Go make an album and see how you feel when nobody purchases it because they could download it for free...

uh, tons of artists give away their albums for free now.

Radiohead let their fans decide how much they felt like paying for their last album "in rainbows."

the internet has rewritten all the rules and it is time to adjust.

p.s. the UFC doesn't care about fighters.

Interesting discussion here. My two cents.

The analogy of stealing a pair of jeans is not a correct one to compare to hosting PPV streams. Instead of thinking of it as stealing jeans from inside a store, it is more like standing outside of the store selling cheaper jeans without a permit. You are not costing the company money by taking a product for nothing, but you are taking away potential sales inside the store.

I don't think the UFC thinks of this as X number of streamers means X number of PPVs lost, more like X number of streamers equates to 1/4X PPVs lost. Or some other fraction. No matter what, it is lost revenue for the UFC.

Streamers are taking money from the UFC. That is the bottom line. I imagine there are smart guys somewhere crunching numbers and coming up with complex mathematical formulas stating that each streamer costs the UFC X amount of dollars. And I am sure there are judges that will agree with that.

Bottom line is that if you stream, under the law you are stealing.

KirbyLovesDildo - 
Those same people who piss on UFC streamers, ask me for a stream for Dream/strikeforce events. <br type="_moz" />

nobody likes cheap jeans

Morgz -  they are not losing "tens of millions" due to streams.  Do they actually think viewers of those streams automatically translate to revenue if those streams dissapear?

Personally, I buy every single UFC event.  However, there are some overseas events that are occasionally available ONLY by web stream, and I have been fortunate to watch those.  However, take those web streams away, and that in no way means I am suddenly going to go purchase a PPV of that event.  I just won't see the friggin event.

How in the world this translates to "lost revenue" is a mystery to me. 

You make a good point, I doubt that many of the people who watch the streams would fork out for the PPV if they had no alternative way of seeing the event.

bismanfightclub - 
Morgz - 
bismanfightclub -  you guys can try and justify to yourselves that you aren't stealing anything, or that you are only stealing something of no value (according to you) and that everyone does it, so it's "ok", but you are stealing, and the product/service you are stealing has value. The fact that you can't understand that is sad.
For the 4th time:  No one is saying it isn't stealing.

No one is saying those people who watch streams are stealing something of no value. 

The fact that you still can't understand that no one is saying those things is also sad.  This has been a decent little discussion.  Please don't cheapen it by trying to put words in other people's mouths.  


For the umpteenth time.  You can't argue that you agree it is stealing, while simultaneously saying Zuffa shouln't be expecting any money for the product that is being stolen, just because the person doesn't want to pay for it.  That's EXACTLY what stealing means, taking something you either can't/won't pay for doesn't mean that person doesn't deserve to be paid for it.  Just because most of you think cause it is not a an item you can touch or keep "stocked" in  a store doesn't mean when you steal it, it no longer has value and that the victim of the theft doesn't deserve reimpursement.

There you go putting words in my mouth again.  I did not say Zuffa shouldn't be expecting any money.  No one did.  That is just you trying to create some argument that isn't there.  I questioned the amount of money they claim to have "lost".  Again, there is a big difference between saying that and what you keep trying to claim people are saying.

"Just becuase most of you think cuase it is not an item you can touch or keep stocked in store...blah blah it no longer has value" -- you have been told at least 5 times now by 3 different people that NO ONE thinks that.  Good greif.


KirbyLovesDildo - 
Dawkins - I buy UFC's cuz I can afford them at the moment, but why is it okay to stream every other promotion and boxing event here, but not the UFC's.

They're fucking hypocrites. All because they have the money to buy the UFC PPVs they think they have a right to bash the people who don't have the cash to buy them. Don't mind them, they're just a bunch of faggots. Those same people who piss on UFC streamers, ask me for a stream for Dream/strikeforce events. <br type="_moz" />

LOL. Like a priest getting caught molesting a child. Hypocritical assholes.

futon1 - Interesting discussion here. My two cents.

I don't think the UFC thinks of this as X number of streamers means X number of PPVs lost, more like X number of streamers equates to 1/4X PPVs lost. Or some other fraction. No matter what, it is lost revenue for the UFC.

Now this I agree with.  I still feel like we had some good back and forth with bismanfightclub -- although it got off on few tangents at times.  Ulitmately, the problem I had was the "tens of millions" statement (or any exhorbetent amount).  Yes, there is a value that is lost -- but it's the amount of that value that I argue is likely a much lower number than is being thrown about now.


Morgz - 
futon1 - Interesting discussion here. My two cents.

I don't think the UFC thinks of this as X number of streamers means X number of PPVs lost, more like X number of streamers equates to 1/4X PPVs lost. Or some other fraction. No matter what, it is lost revenue for the UFC.

Now this I agree with.  I still feel like we had some good back and forth with bismanfightclub -- although it got off on few tangents at times.  Ulitmately, the problem I had was the "tens of millions" statement (or any exhorbetent amount).  Yes, there is a value that is lost -- but it's the amount of that value that I argue is likely a much lower number than is being thrown about now.


 I finally feel like we can all get a good hug in now.

waits with outstretched arms

 OK, but I may have to just fist bump Bisman...

Morgz -  OK, but I may have to just fist bump Bisman...


Why are people so bent out of shape over this? If Zuffa wants to spend money doing it, why is that bad or wrong? It's their money so the can do what they want with it.

Just because you can never stop piracy doesn't mean you shouldn't enforce the law.

MotorBoater85 - 
Morgz - 
futon1 - Interesting discussion here. My two cents.

I don't think the UFC thinks of this as X number of streamers means X number of PPVs lost,<b> more like X number of streamers equates to 1/4X PPVs lost. Or some other fraction</b>. No matter what, it is lost revenue for the UFC.
Now this I agree with.  I still feel like we had some good back and forth with bismanfightclub -- although it got off on few tangents at times.  Ulitmately, the problem I had was the "tens of millions" statement (or any exhorbetent amount).  Yes, there is a value that is lost -- but it's the amount of that value that I argue is likely a much lower number than is being thrown about now.

 I finally feel like we can all get a good hug in now.

waits with outstretched arms

My most momentous moment in my short UG existence.

embraces motorboat with a firmness and longevity that can only be described as "awkwardly uncomfortable"

 ^^^ "You're gun is digging into my hip."

 What happens if your behind a stolen internet connection?

I understand why the UFC is pissed.  But if companies like Microsoft, and Universal Studios can't stop pirating I don't see Zuffa being able to do it especially since they are trying to stop a flow of electrons and not something that is solid.  

Also many of these computer geeks actually think that they are in the right.  I disagree but it's hard to stop a motivated nerd.  I mean I watched a pristine screener of Avatar two weeks after its release in the theaters.  Good luck Zuffa.