[VIDEO] Joe Rogan Breaks Down Conor vs. Eddie


From the fight companion last night. They talk about Eddies wrestling which I think will make a huge difference but I still feel like Eddie is prone to getting flash ko'd in the early going (much like against Chandler in Bellator if anyone remembers) but Conor could definitely land the follow ups to put him out.


I want to see Eddie stand but feel like thats Conors best chance to win, it'll be very interesting if Eddie weathers the storm in the first. Not to knock Eddies stand up as he could easily KO Conor as well but I think Conor definitely has the better chin if they start brawling

Eddie is going to win bet the house Phone Post 3.0

joe said eddie fights best when hes scared well i think joe didnt hear? eddie isnt scared he thinks its the "easiest" fight of his life LOL Phone Post 3.0

Bisping decisioned my SN - Eddie is going to win bet the house Phone Post 3.0
Unless he doesn't Phone Post 3.0

Eddie looked unremarkable in his UFC run before beating Dos Anjos. Stylistically McGregor has a good shot at beating him unless Alvarez gets it to the ground immediately. Phone Post 3.0

Going for EA but he has a tendency to get clipped Phone Post 3.0

Eddie will try and take him down

outlawzz209 - joe said eddie fights best when hes scared well i think joe didnt hear? eddie isnt scared he thinks its the "easiest" fight of his life LOL Phone Post 3.0

haha could you imagine eddie comes in super cocky like rockhold against bisping in the rematch....

This is a bad matchup for Eddie. Phone Post 3.0

Conor attacks your ego, forces you into his game, and makes you second guess. Nate is prolly the only fighter immune to this. Phone Post 3.0

jrj - Conor attacks your ego, forces you into his game, and makes you second guess. Nate is prolly the only fighter immune to this. Phone Post 3.0

I agree and it seems like hes a bit under Eddies skin already. I also feel like Tony Ferguson & Khabib are immune to the trash talk/ego stuff as well, particularly Khabib

. Phone Post 3.0

This is why I love Joe Rogan. The dude is just as excited as the rest of us. This card is ridiculous. Phone Post 3.0

Papa_Raptor - This is why I love Joe Rogan. The dude is just as excited as the rest of us. This card is ridiculous. Phone Post 3.0

same brother I'm going to be really pissed when his contract ends (if he does decide to leave). it wont be the same and even though hes stated fight companions more fun for him, it is not as good as his live play by play and reactions haha

Forgive me for my ignorance, but how do you listen to this fight companion?


I didn't start listening to joe's podcast specifically because of that bag of turds redban (i knew of him long before, when Joe hired him to follow him around like a puppy this piece of shit went on joe's forum begging members to send him gas money. )

Humphrey -

Forgive me for my ignorance, but how do you listen to this fight companion?


I didn't start listening to joe's podcast specifically because of that bag of turds redban (i knew of him long before, when Joe hired him to follow him around like a puppy this piece of shit went on joe's forum begging members to send him gas money. )

"Who the Fook is that guy?" Phone Post 3.0

Humphrey -

Forgive me for my ignorance, but how do you listen to this fight companion?


I didn't start listening to joe's podcast specifically because of that bag of turds redban (i knew of him long before, when Joe hired him to follow him around like a puppy this piece of shit went on joe's forum begging members to send him gas money. )

Fight companion is good as they say some funny shit while commentating. I really enjoy joes podcast and his commentary so naturally I think this is good- however, sometimes they go way off the rails and it gets pretty unwatchable

Shaub is cancer. 

Darth Ryase - Eddie looked unremarkable in his UFC run before beating Dos Anjos. Stylistically McGregor has a good shot at beating him unless Alvarez gets it to the ground immediately. Phone Post 3.0
McGregor been training hard with Nelson and Dillon Danis - if Anyone thinks he's a novice on the ground at this stage they're delusional. No one is seriously gonna compare eddies ground game with Nates. Phone Post 3.0

businessbhoy -
Darth Ryase - Eddie looked unremarkable in his UFC run before beating Dos Anjos. Stylistically McGregor has a good shot at beating him unless Alvarez gets it to the ground immediately. Phone Post 3.0
McGregor been training hard with Nelson and Dillon Danis - if Anyone thinks he's a novice on the ground at this stage they're delusional. No one is seriously gonna compare eddies ground game with Nates. Phone Post 3.0

I dont think Eddie wins by jiu jitsu, I think he wins by ground-cardio i.e. ability to take him down and outgrapple him, as well as gas him enough so that he can outwork/set up a finish past the 2nd round