Wait a Second here!!!!!!!!!!

1) How can the federal law not apply provincially?

2) Where is the nearest school to me that is a CJA member?


CW, sorry about not being able to read between the
lines, I need to be whipped with a cat-O-nine tales
and thrown overboard. No, made to walk the plank is
better, to a pool of waiting sharks below.

Dougie<< -

Because in Canada there is a division of powers. Some matters are up to the Provinces to handle as they see fit. If you ever pay attention to politics in Canada, you can see lots of instances of bickering between the two. (note: this is just a reason as to 'how can', not saying (cause I dunno) if it applies in this case).

Sorry wayne-o. I wasnt directing my statements at any one member.

"Mr. Krantsz will of course say whatever (since he is a former CJA member) to boost the membership of the WKF."

That comment is like saying:

"Mr. Moroney will of course say whatever (since he is a CJA member) to boost the membership of the CJA."

What was that about? Sour grapes?

I will join the CJA when they send me the info package I was promised.

I suspect that Judo Ontario is allowed to hold grappling tournaments. I wouldn't be suprised if it's the same for the OAWA.

I think that if we got a national grappling organization recognized by Sport Canada (or whatever federal organization applies) Hayashi would have a very tough time shutting people down.

Geoff is correct

Suspicions and 'correctness' (sic) are all well and good, but where are the tournaments you are hosting, sanctioned by JO, OAWA, or WKF, and proven OAC immune?

I'm done with these threads. No wonder neither Joe nor Danny have any hair left (I don't know about Rick ;).

In Quebec, we have Mat Wars this Sunday, Junior44 and Medly in June, doubtless another Sled Dog tourney sometime in the next several months, and probably a few others.

That Ontario could enjoy the same with just an ounce of good faith from the community (and less effort even than is spent bitching on message boards and politic'ing behind the scenes), but many choose to cut off their own noses to spite their own faces would be incomprehensible if it weren't so utterly human. Pitty.

rener - Judo Ontario has held newaza tournaments which were attended by bjj and judo players. Lol at the OAC going after Judo Ontario or OAWA - I think Hayashi learned his lesson when he tried to ban Olympic TKD. The reason he can go after the grappling community is we are small time and have no established organization. Hayashi is the problem. Our community was doing fine until he stuck his nose in.

Good faith in martial arts usually means someones selling snake oil. Feel the chi...

For the record I will support the CJA if given the opportunity but signing up for a membership without even being able to get the organization's rules and regs seems ludicrous to me. I've tried but it's lack of action on their part that's holding me back.

phill bjj, This isnt about Danny needing members to have the CJA. If you dont want to register then you dont really want to compete. Plain and simple.

Rene r is correct.

LOL...oh man.

Move to MTL, I'm telling you. Tournaments bi-monthly, and HAIR! :)

. Our community was doing fine until he stuck his nose in.

Right you are Geoffer, right you are.

Nice hair Joe, can I have some?

All this chat about people bitching.....I guess the
bitching comes from bitches...who's bitching about
the bitches bitching???? Biiiiiiiiiiatch. ;)

CW, no worries.


See? I'm trash talking and smack walking already!

Computerwarrior you missed my point entirely. That seemed like a cheap shot out of nowhere at Krantsz who probably does not come here so he can't defend against the comment.

It's the thread that never ends. It just goes on and on my friends.

ahh montreal land of the free and gucci quality at wall-mart prices

devious1 - no man, it's that fetah's club thread that
just never die's...because dougie and his co-horts
just won't let it.

I'm saying that with a smile on my face dougie, don't come on here and snap like the champ. ;)

Ends, sorry.