Weigh In: Weight Scale Tricks???

I have administered "the pinch" on a teammates belt at a BJJ weigh in,
one of the organizers karate chopped my finger.

I needn't have bothered as a brazilian was doing the weighing.

"LOL @ people who never cut weight and talking out their ass like they know."

LOL @ people who claim things that have no basis in fact. What you are proposing is physically impossible. You occupy the same volume regardless of your position. Standing on your head doesn't stop your heart,does it? Because that would be the only way it could affect your blood flow, which is what you are claiming does the trick.

Good Lord.

ttt for later.

"If you exhale as much as possible, you will still weight the same. In fact, if you know anything about the weight of air, you would know it is stupid to even try this."

Actually, anyone who has ever seen the elementary school science project with two balloons would know that it DOES make a difference. A full balloon weighs more than an empty one.

Only thing is, it is by a mere matter of fractions of an ounce... Not enough to help, unless you were REEEEELLY close...

"What you are proposing is physically impossible."

You don't really know that. You are just saying that because you have never seen it done;)

Seriously, volume/mass/whatever has nothing to do with it. It is a trick & it works.

"Actually, gravity does depend on height relative to sea level. Assumng you're weighing in at a higher altitude (say 1000ft), you would weigh fractionally less (maybe 1 or 2 lbs)."

0.02 pounds (for a 200 pound man).

Do the math-- the radius of the Earth is ~6378.137 km.

Gravity is proportional to 1 / r^2.

"It is a trick & it works."

Sorry, I simply don't believe it. Propose a non-magic reason for it to work, and I'll reconsider.

There is no physical reason why exhaling would work that I can think of.

The only way anyone can affect a weighing is by bouncing, being supported by something other than the scale's platform, or by exploiting flaws in the scale's platform.

Anything else is mumbo-jumbo.

Well, you also have to consider that scales are imperfect. They are not optimal or perfectly exact. Yes, gravity is uniform no matter where it is balanced, but the equipment is not, so it is possible to find a flaw. It's not making you weigh anything different, it is just keeping the scales from weighing optimally.

"The idea about raising your arms is that the blood will flow out of your arms at the spped of gravity thus making you weight less by the amount of blood in your arms."

Your pulmonary system is closed. If some blood is going up (or down), then a corresponding amount is going down (or up) somewhere else. If this works (which I find next to impossible, but hey), it does not work for your stated reason.

"but the equipment is not, so it is possible to find a flaw"

Sure, I can easily do that on my (crappy) scale at home. I'm sure you can do the same thing to a (much) lesser extent at weigh-in time. You might look highly suspicious, though.

Digital scales are hard to cheat, but a standard doctors scale is pretty easy. You just stand near the back of the scale and lean on your heals. It takes some practice to get it to balance right, but it can be effective.

In wrestling, if we knew someone couldnt make weight and couldnt cheat the scale, one of our teamates would just stand behind him, pretending to look at the scale, and then lift them up by their ass until they were on weight. It was a hell of a lot easier than trying to cut those extra pounds, especially for the smaller guys.

This has gotten so scientific. It really doesnt matter to me how it works as long as I can lose fractions of a pound by merely raising my arms. Those little fractions can mean 20 more minutes of running with a garbage bag on.

"It really doesnt matter to me how it works as long as I can lose fractions of a pound by merely raising my arms."

0.0000000001 pounds.

"Those little fractions can mean 20 more minutes of running with a garbage bag on."

Not really.

I totally cheated once. I drove down to Orange County for the "day before" weigh-ins, because I didn't want to drive all the way down to OC super early in the morning for the "day of" weigh-ins, because my matches weren't going to be till later in the afternoon.

It was already almost 9pm and my buddy had just weighed in, and I was next and last. I stepped on the scale (balance beam type) and just as I did everyone involving the weighing suddenly got into a heated discussion off to the side.

As they were arguing, I went ahead and weighed myself...I was 3 pounds over! I was freaking. It was too late at night for me to be running to take a dump and running around the neighborhood trying to sweat down to weight (besides, it was very cool outside). I still had a long drive back home and wanted to get to bed.

I looked over, and they were still pretty involved in their argument, then I looked down at the scale and saw the little calibration things on the side...as I stood on the scale, I turned it until I weighed exactly my max limit. Then I just stood there until they finally came over, looked at me and the scale, and wrote me down as making weight.

I stepped off and people were still distracted and talking about something. As they did I turned the calibration thing back to where it was before, then said my goodbyes and left.

I woulda made weight by morning anyways, hehe.


Here a trick.....cut your balls off.- Norm Mcdonald

CandyCorn - The whole thing of putting your arms above your head got taken out of context in a way. it doesn't make you weigh less.. the only reason anyone ever did it was because if you are cutting very hard and you get on naked, your corner guys will have to hold a towel for you.- people used to cheat by holding the towel near the fighter's arm and actually holding the arm up a little, causing the fighter to weigh less... so, to stop that, the fighter was required to hold his hands above his head, so that there could be no interference. - people started copying that when they were close to being over... that's what my boyfriend says anyway, and he's a pro fighter w/ alot of exp.

i have heard of guys standing ontheir heads right before they get on the scale because then the blood isn't settled yet and you can loose a few onces that way... i dunno if it's true though.

They should implement this rule after the whole Cormier incident