Went to Renzo's. Got a black belt. (pics)

LiveToFightInc -
DiscipleDojo -
LiveToFightInc - Congratulations!!! Hello my long lost friend! Yes, Im still here. Lurking mostly these days. Black belt- how amazing is that?! How does it feel?? I'm so happy for you! Ive always admired your dedication and hard work. You should be so proud! And there's no one sweeter than Silver Fox. He's the best. Again, congrats to you!

On a side note- I hope you’re well. Lets catch up some time. Email me. Krs10KO@hotmail.com

Much love,

Kristen :slight_smile:

Krs10!!! I was at Sambo Steve’s and thought about you, girl! I’ll email you this week! I want to hear what’s been up on your end since the seminar! 

Nice! How is Steve? I’ve been MIA and under the radar bc unfortunately Im having a lot of issues with my health. So of course LTF had to go on the back burner too. It’s killing me! Plus I miss everyone so damn much! I don’t want to hijack your thread extolling your BJJ awesomeness so definitely email me. Congrats again!

K :slight_smile:


Hijack? Girl, hearing from you makes this thread! :slight_smile:

Steve is great. Been doing lots of stunt work, including on the Marvel Netflix shows. Stopping by NY Combat Sambo has become an annual part of my trip, and I have you to thank for introducing us! 

Thanks so much, everyone. It still hasn't quite registered, but I appreciate all of the kind words from this wonderful dysfunctional UG community! :-)

Congratulations! That's fantastic. Nice post about it as well. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Be careful I’ve heard Renzo is teaming up with a Eddie bravo and April’s fools might have came early

Was there a certain individual named “renato laranja” in attendance 

i’m only kidding, CONGRATS for the dedication! U derseve it 

This was as a purple belt...but Renato's aura carried me in the long run, clearly. 

Also, on the day of my promotion, I was wearing the Glorious Sweater of Absolute Victory.

Coincince? You decide…

Congrats to a valuable asset in the martial arts community

Congrats OP, thanks for sharing your journey.

Congrats on your blackbelt but even more so, congrats on your salvation, brother.

what a good read…Thanks for sharing and congrats on the accomplishment sir.


DiscipleDojo -

Hahahah! Epic pic man. 

U got me there!!! Respect 

Congrats! I have rolled a bunch with TC back in the day and he is great people and a great grappler!

What an inspiration you are DD! I love your perspective on life and dedication to all your crafts!  

Congratulations from your efriend Sakurabas ear! 


Congrats man. That's awesome

Congrats!  I'm really happy for you,man.  You are doing this life thing right.

Nice. Congratulations !!

very cool congrats