Werdum is going to sleep tonight

Maybe twice. First, SM will dim his lights and later with his teddy.

Suck it. Phone Post 3.0

Crystal Meth Jesus - KOs a LHW, takes JDS to a Decision, beats Arlovski.... can beat Werdum? No
Don't forget got KOed by Struve. Phone Post 3.0

Crystal Meth Jesus - KOs a LHW, takes JDS to a Decision, beats Arlovski.... can beat Werdum? No
Dude, you are the biggest Stipe hater on this site. I can't wait to see what you have to say come Sunday morning. Phone Post 3.0

tommyNOfilter -
Crystal Meth Jesus - KOs a LHW, takes JDS to a Decision, beats Arlovski.... can beat Werdum? No
If you're going to play mma math you should remember that the same JDS stipe took to decision knocked out werdum Phone Post 3.0
That was the same JDS!? Phone Post 3.0

tommyNOfilter -
Crystal Meth Jesus - KOs a LHW, takes JDS to a Decision, beats Arlovski.... can beat Werdum? No
If you're going to play mma math you should remember that the same JDS stipe took to decision knocked out werdum Phone Post 3.0
Lol, that was pre-Cain wars JDS. That was absolutely not the same JDS.

And if we're gonna be fair. It's also the guy that got starched by Stefan Struve...... You know, the guy Jake Rosholt beat? Phone Post 3.0

I like Stipe. That being said, he has a punchers chance that's it Phone Post 3.0

Well, he does need his 8 hours before the fight tomorrow. Phone Post 3.0

ocbadapple - I like Stipe. That being said, he has a punchers chance that's it Phone Post 3.0
Maybe, he is strong as fuck and he has a great chance to cash in on the punch....if it goes to the ground, oh my... Phone Post 3.0

You guys bring up the struve fight to discredit Stipe but remember how long ago that was. Since then he has been on a tear.

I will ttt this thread on Sunday and we will all have a chuckle. Phone Post 3.0

I wonder if he's gonna wear pajamas Phone Post 3.0

Well, given that the fight is tommorrow, I'm sure he'll get a good night's sleep tonight. As far as pajamas, his Gi could suffice I guess lol.

I agree with the OP. Stipe has bricks in both hands and can keep this fight standing. Stipe by KO or TKO.

Stipes gonna fold werdum just like jds did Phone Post 3.0

that's tonight ?

Werdum by whatever he wants Phone Post 3.0

HeyMarkIt1886 - You guys bring up the struve fight to discredit Stipe but remember how long ago that was. Since then he has been on a tear.

I will ttt this thread on Sunday and we will all have a chuckle. Phone Post 3.0
Those people are not worth listening to imo Phone Post 3.0

Stipe will be champ. Been saying it for months. Phone Post 3.0

I love watching Werdum fight, he's truly a special talent. 

But I honestly believe Stipe has a good chance of taking this. As long as he follows Hunt's game plan (stay on the outside, pick your spot to charge in, connect, get outta Dodge) he can win this. Hunt was doing fairly well and he doesn't have he agility or reach of Miocic. 

Werdum is very crafty, though, as Hunt found out. So Stipe will have to constantly be on the lookout for feints - Werdum showing a TD attempt then throwing a high knee. And the longer it goes the more likely the champ will get a TD one way or another, obviously a very bad spot for Miocic.

I'll go with Stipe by TKO in the 3rd.


Been a long and grueling training camp for Werdum, he could use the rest

I think this version of Verdum takes it. His standup keeps getting better and if it hits the ground Stipe in in big trouble.