Werdum VS Jones

Having seen numerous people discuss how they thought Cain vs Jones would have gone I'm curious now how do you think Jones would get on against Werdum?

I'd like to think Werdum would catch him with a flying triangle but realistically I think Jones fights on the outside on the way to a 5 round decision.

same height. jones has the reach and eye poking advantage, but werdum would submit him if it went to the ground.

might even out troll-strike him

Jones is far superior on his feet and has excellent take down defense. Jones wins a decision.

Painfully... I've got JJ. Phone Post 3.0

LucasBTiger - Painfully... I've got JJ. Phone Post 3.0


Until someone on this planet beats Jon Jones I don't believe it can happen, even at heavyweight. But I wouldn't be totally shocked if Werdum found a way to win. Werdum's striking is getting better and better and if it goes to the ground he will give anyone on the planet severe trouble.

Would love to see it. Lean toward Jones by decision. Phone Post 3.0

As much as i hate to say it Jones is by far the best fighter right now. Though if anyone is a bad match up for him its Werdum. I would still go with Jones though.


I could see Jones by decision.. but that's about it.

Werdum is the more dangerous fighter on the feet or the ground. He might actually bust Jones up striking.

KO punchers like AA or JDS are worse matchups for Werdum if they can keep it standing.

Jones isn't KOing Werdum, and Werdum isn't afraid of the takedown.

Jones' elbows from top position are always a threat... but Werdum would be prepared for that. He's too slick.

Realistically, I think we need to see Jones actually fight a heavyweight fight before we start speculating that he would beat the HW champ.

Bungle2711 - Having seen numerous people discuss how they thought Cain vs Jones would have gone I'm curious now how do you think Jones would get on against Werdum?

I'd like to think Werdum would catch him with a flying triangle but realistically I think Jones fights on the outside on the way to a 5 round decision.




On several occasions I have mentioned that this is the fight I want to see. I personally have not developed an appreciation for Valasquez vs Jones. 

Jones is a great fighter but in my opinon Wedum takes this one...but I am not sure maybe Jones by decision? aaaahhhh! not sure. Either way, this will be an exciting fight!

Werdum is a nightmare matchup for Jones.

He could win it anywhere. Phone Post 3.0

Jones would hit and run on Werdum. Phone Post 3.0

Personally I think Jones striking is good but not great. His boxing is poor, but his knees, elbows & kicks are very effective as he uses his crazy reach so well. How many people can throw an elbow from 3 feet away (Jones vs Rashad)?

Very few 205ers can deal with this other than the someone like Gus who negated the reach. And getting inside on Jones is bad due to his wrestling and leverage being so good so he is so difficult to deal with.

BUT most heavyweights (Werdum included) are larger/longer ... and reach is not quite such a factor.

I think at this point Werdum's striking is far better than Jones. I think he would outclass him on the feet and Werdum has no problem going all out striking as he has no issue being taken down. If Belfort almost caught Jones via armbar I cannot help but think Werdum would do fine.

I think Jones is tough, and he can take a beating. But I think Werdum can finish him striking or submission. I don't see how Jones could win other than maybe a decision ... and even that would surprise me.

But it's all speculation.

I'm not a very big jones fan, but every time I think the man to beat him has arrived I have been sadly mistaken. Phone Post 3.0

Werdum would embarass Jones. It wouldn't be close. You guys must have lost your minds. Jones excels because of his height and reach advantage. Werdum would not have any fear walking into Jones' strikes and wrapping him up like an anaconda and squeezing the life out of those tiny limbs he calls arms and legs. Vitor almost had him tapped out. Werdum won't slip. Phone Post 3.0

I don't get why people think that Jones can manhandle one 225lb guy after another, including champion wrestlers, but for some reason he'll be helpless when he fights a guy who weighs 232-236 just because that guy has chosen to fight at heavyweight. Phone Post 3.0

And also I still believe Rumble is an extremely bad matchup for him. Styles make fights. Phone Post 3.0

Werdum imo, would be a great fight though.

BrocksSwockRanTrane_onShane -

As much as i hate to say it Jones is by far the best fighter right now. Though if anyone is a bad match up for him its Werdum. I would still go with Jones though.

Right now? Jon can't even fight right now lol Phone Post 3.0

orcus - I don't get why people think that Jones can manhandle one 225lb guy after another, including champion wrestlers, but for some reason he'll be helpless when he fights a guy who weighs 232-236 just because that guy has chosen to fight at heavyweight. Phone Post 3.0
Did anyone say he would be helpless?

Jesus fucking Christ, you are argumentative simply for the sake of it more often than not. Phone Post 3.0

I'd love to see it

Jon Jones has the size and reach advantage.