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What do you think of this Workout for BJJ?

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Looks good to me. 

I'm gonna poach some of those exercises.

Lots of this stuff look dopey. The cable rows are somehow 'sport specific' because your on the floor?

How much will rolling with a ball really trans to rolling with people?


"Lots of this stuff look dopey. The cable rows are somehow 'sport specific' because your on the floor?

How much will rolling with a ball really trans to rolling with people? "

HarryLime has just one-arm cable pulled (while standing on a BOSU wearing an eye patch) the correct.


I don't know about how much rolling with a ball will transition to rolling with people, but a lot of great grapplers do it (Renato Tavares, Frank Shamrock, some of the Gracies in NYC, etc.). Obviously nothing takes the place of rolling with another person, but it does appear helpful.

I think some of the exercises look great, but you're right, some does look dopey.

Hello guys,
rolling with a ball will not help your BJJ training at all, that is not even the idea. Everything we do with the ball is to warm up, make something on your body stronger or with better base. If you haven´t try before try to stand on your knees on the ball, first it will be very dificult, but with short practice you will be come better and also notice how much you are going to work your lower bACK (something that people injury all the time in bjj) everything has a reason, but NONE of this will make your Jiu-jitsu technique better.

It´s not because you are on the floor using cables rows that it´s call "sport specifics" but because it´s simulating a movement we do during the fight. Every movement has a reason.

I´m one of the guys on that video (the smaller one), if I can help with anyone´s question I will be happy to do so.

regards, Felipe Costa

HarryLime - Lots of this stuff look dopey. The cable rows are somehow 'sport specific' because your on the floor?

How much will rolling with a ball really trans to rolling with people?

Hello guys,
rolling with a ball will not help your BJJ training at all, that is not even the idea. Everything we do with the ball is to warm up or make something on your body stronger or with better base. If you haven´t try before try to stand on your knees on the ball, first it will be very dificult, but with short practice you will be come better and also notice how much you are going to work your lower everything has a reason, but NONE of this will make your Jiu-jitsu technique better.

It´s not because you are on the floor using cables rows that it´s call "sport specifics" but because it´s simulating a movement we do during the fight. Every movement has a reason.

I´m one of the guys on that video (the smaller one), if I can help with anyone´s question I will be happy to do so.

regards, Felipe Costa

Hey Felipe, thanks for your reply.

There are a lot of exercises that will make your back and core stronger that don't require balancing on a ball.

There are also lots of rolls and tumbling drills for kinesthetic awareness that don't require a ball.

So why would using the ball be better?

Also, while the movements you were performing with cables might superficially similar to movement during a fight, the resistance is very different.

Pulling on a weight attached to a cable isn't really anything like pulling on a resisting opponent in the guard. The only similarity is that you're lying down.



Nothing simulates real live sparring/training. The exercises that Felipe was put through are good strength training exercises that could be helpful for bjj/mma. But you're right, there is no replacing training with another human.

I don't think the ball is "better" for training, but variety is the key to success in training, so it certainly couldn't hurt. He's not saying the exercises he was put through are the best and only exercises to do, only that they are helpful.

"The exercises that Felipe was put through are good strength training exercises that could be helpful for bjj/mma. But you're right, there is no replacing training with another human."

I'm not sure they would ideally replace normal rowing exercise either.

Say you can perform a 1-arm cable with 65lbs while your balanced on the floor/ball. Or, you could invest that training time in a 1-arm dumbbell row with 120lbs. Which do you think would make you stronger?

Exercises with weights can develop a variety of neuro-muscluar attributes, but you can't make a skill stronger by loading it.

For a guy as talented as Felipe, I'm sure training partners are readily available. The real efficient sport specific training is when he takes his strength gains from the weight room and applies them to partner drills.

Harry, I think variety is best. I am not gonna say which is better because that is complicated due to a lot of factors, but doing different things, shocking your system is good.  I'm just a big fan of mixing it up and trying new things. That's all.