What does your "Stack" include..?

What type of supplements do you use for MMA..? (Or any other combat sport.)

My stack includes: Creatine, Protien(Egg and Whey), Flax-Seed oil (Omega-3 fatty acids), BCAA's (pill form), Glucosamine & Chondroitin, N02 from Edward Byrd, Weight gainer and T3 and a multi vitamin.

*Multi Vitamin: 1x daily. (SOmetimes 2x daily depending on the day or cycle being used.)

*Creatine: Loading 4x a day for 4 days. Then 1x daily for 3 weeks. (Usualy before each weight-training workout.) Then off cycle for 2 weeks.

*Protien: 3x each day. (After each weight-training or cardio/plyometric workout and then one before bed.)

*Flax-Seed Oil: 3x daily. (Pill form.) Morning/Afternoon/Evening.

*BCAA'S (Branched chain Amino Acids): 3x daily. (Before each workout and one at bedtime.)

*Glucosamine&Chondroitin: 3x daily. (Morning/Afternoon/Evening)

*N02: Depends on the day and workout but no less then 4 to 6x daily. (Mainly before each activity and before bedtime.)

*Weight-Gainer: 3 to 5x daily. (Morning/Afternoon/Evening.)

*T3: Before Bedtime. (Not normaly used for more then a month at a time. 1 month on and 2 weeks off.)

Thats my basic regimen with supplements anyway.

What do you use supplement wise..?


glucosimine cuz i hope it does something (bad knees and surgeries)


Lol @ Kimbo! Good stack!

The Glucosamin WILL work.. It'll take a few weeks or even months to start working though. Once it does work though, you'll notice the change for sure! and if you want the best Glucosamine on the market, go get some GLC2000. $59.99 for a 3 month supply. Great stuff!


Ergopharm AMP. This is by far the best energy supp I have ever tried. I try to get everyone to try it and they all love it. My wife, who HATES when I take supplements actually made me buy another bottle, because I end up cleaning the house or organizing crap when I take it :).

Flax oil(liquid form), I'm not strict with this but I usually take a tablespoon per day.

Optimum Nutrition Whey. 1 to 2 servings a day when I am in a hurry. I take it with some kind of carb or even sometimes a tablespoon of natural peanut butter.

Scivation Sesamin. Just giving it a shot. Nothing really to report.

i've been taking it for a while but with all mixed reports going around. either way my knees will take thier chances with it. :)


Hippo- IF that doesn't work then go for the GLC2000. Trust me, it works WONDERS! My dad has REAL bad arthritus and GLC works wonders for him!!!

Fad- the only reason I cycle off creatine for the 2 or 3 weeks is to take the water out of my muscles so they extend again and then i'll go back and stretch them with the water retention the creatine creates again. Its worked for me for years and when I get on a regimen, its not unlikely for me to gain 25lbs in a matter of a few months. (If done right, most of it is muscle, but seeing as how i'm not the biggest guy in the world, the weight-gainer "lbs" and extra fat "lbs" that I gain are ok for me. I do, however, like to keep my fat% below 10% at all times.)


Superfinger- Good man sir. lol


What does Flax Seed Oil do?

Flax-Seed oil supply's you with whats called: Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These are Fats trhat are good for you.

You have whats called: Essential and non-essential fats. Fatty Acids are good fats and fats that come from things like fish, etc..

Its one of the best supplements out there for athletes.

Is tricor any good.

I was gonna pick up some Tribulus for like $16..its usualy like $60 but its on sale.

Does anyone know if its any good..?


3 pancakes, one pay of butter in between each, and a good amount of syrup. Then topped with miracle whip and fresh strawberries.

where is the best place to order or pick up GLC2000?

Twinlab's Ultrafuel before and during workouts, a lot of milk afterwards. Otherwise multivitamin, fish oil, Vit. D, Vit. C, and Juiceplus fruit and vegetable capsules.

Eating food

"where is the best place to order or pick up GLC2000?"


They have insanely fast shipping and I am another that can vouch for the effectiveness of this product, one of the few supplements I take or would reccomend.

I cycle off creatine because I'm paranoid about kidney stones.