What does your "Stack" include..?

There's a whooooole lot of ignorance on this thread. The Adonis is the only one with his head on straight.

TheAdonis- Your 100% correct man. People think that they can "stack" 30 supplements and it'll do something for them even though they sit on the couch and hit the bag for 30 minutes every day.

The ONLY way your going to notice a supplement is if your already attuned to a great diet with a great excercise ruitine. There is no magic pill that will allow your body to grow (legaly) that won't include ALOT of hard work, a good diet and a great, well thought-out training regimen.

ALOT of supplements are no-good. They won't do a damned thing to you even if you do everything right. Then, some people just don't respond well to some supplements. My body personaly adapts to ALOT of different supplements and responds to them quickly and effeciently but I know several guys who do everything right but not even thousands of dollars in supplements can overcome poor genetics.

The moral of the story is that if you want ANYTHING to work, you'll first have to have a steady regiment set-up for yourslef so you know how you perform with a good diet and a good regiment but without any supplementation..Then you can see if any gains are made with supplementation or if your just wasting your money. Here at OSW, we get it down to a science when it comes to our supplementation and diet's/excercise regimens so we know if something is working or not. The only type of N02 stimulator that has worked over and over again for so many people is Ed Byrds Name-Brand "N02". ALOT of multi-Vitamins are mixed unperportionaly so you have to watch for that also. No Glutamine will work in days or even a few weeks. It slowly builds the cartalage (sp?) back up in your joints as well as "lubricating" them so it'll take a while, however, it does work well as ANY die-hard grappler will tell you. (And GLC2000 is the absolute best and 1 of 2 supplements that i'd fully endorse and recomend to others. period, its that good.)

SO as long as you eat good- Eat anything natural or anything that walks around that eats natural things. Man made and prepackaged foods are no good. Alot of cooked foods lose they're nutrients. Alot of raw vegitables and fruits are the best. Lean beef is good with ALOT of fresh fish. Just good, common-sense eating. It'll work WONDERS!!

and a HUGE underated thing for athletes to get is SLEEP! Its the "yin" to the diet's "yang"! The body grows the most while its at rest..ALOT of guys lose all their hard work they ade throughout the day because of poor sleeping habits.


that's alot of shit! I sure hope you drink H20 like a freak, your kidneys are gonna be shot!

My stack includes butterfingers, snickers, and hagen daz ice cream

Fish Oil

Flax Seed Oil

Isopure Whey protein

Animal Pack Multi-Vitamin

Greens +

Hoodia (if I'm dieting really hard)

TTT for the coffee diet!

"It's funny, the only time glucosamine never seems to work is in controlled studies done by MD's. I wonder why that is....
cough placebo cough"

a lot of people have been healed due to nonspecific factors "placebo." Nonspecific factors such as placebos aren't always a bad thing. If you think something works and it does, then it does, regardless of the reason!

How many of you have rituals before competition, it's the same thing? So if people want to spend money and they see results that is all that matters.

What is T3?

Good Multi-Vitamin, Whey Protein, Creatine Ethyl Ester, and Glutamine (sometimes).

Sometimes an energy supp like AMP or Ephedra back in the day but I really try to stay away from that stuff.

Myoplex shake-a couple through out the day....usually post workout and another as a mid day meal.
Gaspari Superpump----Pretty similar to what NOX-CG3 appears to be. Overpriced, but works very well.
Neutraceutics-Pro-Endorphin....this stuff rocks, great for pre workout boost and during workout muscle fatigue
I also Take some milk thistle and NAC just to keep the liver functioning correctly.

Oh yeah....and the multi vitamins too


protein, carbs, fats via food

Paul- T# is a NxCare supplement. I actualy grabbed the "Mass Cycle". It came with an N02 stimulator called "Anivol", a BCAA thing called "Aminovol" and then a Testosterone booster called "T3".

TTT! Coco bebles are good.

Whahahahhaha. You guys don't even want to know. Actually, I'm sure some do, but lets just say it would get, ahem, misinterpreted...

But uh...uh...anyway...uh....This chocolate whey costco is selling is frickin' yummy if you have messed up tastebuds from eating healthy all the time. Mixes in water too.

Test boosters are pretty good like 6oxo and whatnot.

6oxo is not a test booster, it is to keep test from aromatizing into estrogen, usually used after a test boster cycle like a prohoromone like 2ad or 1ad or a steriod cycle.It allows your bodies ability to produce it's own test to rise back to normal levels

my mistake, meant for PCT right?

6-oxo will actually raise free test quite a bit.  (not just pct)


I've spoken with Patrick Arnold a number of times in the past.  Guy knows his stuff.  And if anyone hasn't trained with AMP yet, you have no idea what you're missing.  It's not your normal thermo. 

CrazyJoeDavola my bad,

although from reading the link I think that they have recently found out that by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme and blocking the conversion of testosterone to estradiol causes an increase production of testosterone to compensate for the blocked estradiol production is a happy by-product of a product that was originally designed imo for post cycle recovery of natural test production and the prevention of bitch tits