What does your "Stack" include..?

Yes, that's one use.  PA released it knowing both. PCT and natty test booster.

Nothing is better then GH which stands for Growth Hormons.Eat what you want when you want and GH along with hard training will take you way over the top

upset this is not a "Victoria Secret" sale thread

500 mg of sust aweek
400 mg of eq a week
300 mg of propinate a week also
im using xanax bars for gh release at night

Damn, Let me know how that works out for you.

1g Test enanthate/wk
600mg equipoise/wk
60mg oral turinabol/day
.25mg arimidex EOD
.20mcg cytomel/day

coffee, red bull, weed. Seriously

MRMAKO- I don't have the time to "just go down to KFC and order a 12pc." and most of the time, my "weight-gainers" are 100x healthier then KFC. And Glucosamine DOES work. Opinions/Articles are like assholes, everyones got one and they all stink...hehe...

6oxo is great stuff also.

Anyone ever heard of ENDOTHIL..? Its a supplement that your supposed to use to repair damaged muscle..However, say you go in to workout and you JUST work your arms..And work them really hard, then your supposed to take the Endothil and it not only repairs the muscle but builds new muscle tissue too. Guys have told me there are huge gains in it...Its supposed to be really good stuff but haven't gotten to try it yet. Anyone know about it..?

and AMP is legal crack. Whoever said "its not your normal Thermo" is right! lol. Crack, imho. :)


Xyience and right guard extreme

AMP is very subtle, imo (and everyone I know).  What I like best about it is how shallow your breathing will stay despite rigorous exercise.  Last summer I ran 10 miles on 4 AMP and felt almost 100% when I finished.  I'd never run more than 6 miles before that.  It's Crazy for cardio.  You have to try it before you can understand.  

People are still gonna be in denial about glucosamine. And Republicans can say "Oh, THE NEW YORK TIMES? WHAT DO THEY KNOW?" (even though NYT has been a bunch of Republican lapdog/hostages for the past 3-4 years)

bump of meth in the AM, followed by krispy creams. budweiser in the PM with a joint and a valium befor bed.

the budweiser works wonders for the post-workout supplement. the 12 oz curls is like a work out in itself.

marshall jcm 800 with 8x12 cab

me too

theres so many supplements...its so confusing...

OSW Fighter that is one heck of a regimen. How do you keep track of it all and find time to train?

A year ago I did my first sups. CEX creatine 2x a day with a ton of whey protein and medium workout 3-4 times a week (45 mins, one hour tops). I put on 20 lbs. of muscle in 6 weeks.