What is the right age to...

I can't even get all of my amateur fights to let me GnP or use 4oz gloves. 4 out of 5 I had to wear shin pads!

At that age the most they should be doing is pankration, look up SoCal pankration league they have videos on YouTube of kids fighting. It is like MMA with shin pads and no head contact.

Some of my judo students compete in this:


I know who I'd rather see running the country in the future and it's not those two kids or their parents!

that shit should be straight up illegal! Period!!!

if you think thats ok your fucked up... thats it!!

18, in my opinion.

This thread is worthless without pics of UGers standing on bartops

That's fucked up. Voting age is 18..let em fight MMA at 18.

wtf!?!?! Is this real? Kinda of a shitty fight.

"This thread is worthless without pics of UGers standing on bartops"

LOL, dork! =P


I'm sorry 2JTM, that picture doesn't belong in a thread like this.

I agree, that would be creepy.

Even though I dont condone mma for kids that age just to play devils advocate here...Theyre way to weak to cause any actual damage to one another. Its not as dangerous as it looks

I would smack the shit out of everyone there. 

PhilHellmuth, shouldn't you be bitching about losing with JJ to A9 on the river or something?

This is an absolutely terrible idea. Putting kids in the cage that young is just a recipe for disaster. Someone says something to them, and they think its ok to beat them up, and someone gets seriously hurts. Needs to end, imo.

I am a county social worker BTW so yes that was a joke.

MIss RaRa... when I say hi to you, you'd better respond.  When you don't it makes me look bad and now I'm going to be forced to have one of these little ninjas beat you up for me.  Sheesh. 

And, it's a different way of putting it, but Hollywood-Mo and I are on the same page.  Well said.

"Theyre way to weak to cause any actual damage to one another. Its not as dangerous as it looks"

thats not true at all

your body is still developing so at that age trauma is worse

know what your talking about before you post... its WAY more dangerous at that age

"I also coach High School Wrestling and just keeping those kids under control is a miracle...I love coaching and it gives the kids something to do and they do learn some life lessons. But MMA at 10 years old???? Crazy!!! I teach Jr High...Now that is a whole different story =)"

My father is a high school music teacher and his students all the time come up to me and tell me how much he influenced their lives. And it warmths my heart to hear you say that because you have to have a passion for doing what you do... your students are completely blessed to have you in their lives. :)

"MIss RaRa... when I say hi to you, you'd better respond. When you don't it makes me look bad and now I'm going to be forced to have one of these little ninjas beat you up for me. Sheesh."

LOL, I apologize.

Hi FERA BRABA! RARA ♥'s you! :)