I'm 22yo at 6'3, 200lbs with very low body fat but I haven't been able to gain weight for the past year or so. I'm about to ramp up my whole routine, but realize I don't know enough about supplements and there's a ton of conflicting info so it's not easy to look up.
If I'm lifting my hardest for 45min-1hr about 4 times a week, and doing cardio on my off days, what's some stuff I should be taking? I currently take a scoop of ON Whey with almond milk after a workout, as well as the following morning. I drink a scoop of creatine about 5 hours before my lift, and drink a lot of water. I also take ON multivitamins in the morning, and fish oil tablets after a lift.
Any other must haves? I have a bodybuilder friend who swears by BCAAs and some other things I don't know much about, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think.
Really appreciate it!
whey is helpful after a workout. you should take it with a carb source post workout. some people will say dextrose is the best, but i prefer not to eat processed sugars, so i just have fruit. whether or not that is absolutely optimal for immediate muscle recovery given the fructose content, i dont really care...big picture, fresh fruit is always healthier than white corn sugar.
other than that you just need to eat more FOOD. no one gets huge on powder...its not the healthiest option long term, but if you can't do anything else, add a gallon of milk per day.