What was Kevin Randleman's Biggest Win ? ??

Ninja, Cro Cop, Rizzo or Maurice Smith ? ?

Easily Cro Cop. At the time Cro Cop was the man and unbeatable. When he beat Maurice it was boring as hell and Mo had already lost his title.

Again, the Rizzo "win" was simply a snoozer. Both guys lost fans in that one.

Crocop, like the others said.

 crocock 4 sure


Who is Randleman's biggest loss? He has many...


wow, big cat put him in the stretcher.

I'd say Dan Bobish, that guy was BIG!

Erickson layed him out bad.

I think his victory over Bas was the biggest.

 he actually had a bandwagon after crocop. many thought he was gonna win the whole tournry. i didnt.

 I'd say winning the UFC belt was the biggest win by far. 

CC. Wrestler beats notorious striker by straight up punch in the face while standing right in front of him.

Shogun was a good loss, with Randleman screaming in pain for the entire length of the match lol.


This is even a question?

HW win agains Maurice, when he got the UFC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD Title.

Him beating Crocop was a BIG win for him, but it was a fluke win as he was defeated by others after the fact.

When he beat Maurice he was the new DOMINANT MONSTER WRESTLER, etc.

How many of you guys actually saw Randleman fight Maurice for the Title live?

Randleman was SCARY back then... SCARY

his biggest win was being allowed to fight again after the horse piss boolsheet

His win against Ninja was interesting because Ninja is really good on the ground and he never came anywhere close to subbing Randleman who supposedly has no ground game. Also his admittedly boring domination of Babalu, who is supposed to be some sort of great wrestler with excellent juijitsu skills.

His win over Cro Cop was pretty amazing, but somewhat flukey. I was probably just as surprised when he beat Pedro Rizzo.
