Whatever happened to Bart Vale?

Is he still involved in MMA in any way. He was always fun to watch win, lose, or draw.


William C - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6KgmO6mH3svODusaIDWcg

Thanks. It's too bad he didn't develop more as an MMA fighter. He was a ton of fun to watch in shootfighting.

Didn't he try and convince the world he ko'd Shamrock in what was clearly a work? Phone Post 3.0

He fought Andy Hug in K-1. Unfortunately his moustache game wasn't strong enough:


Vale seems to be hated on this forum, for reasons i dont understand..i think Vale was a big strong guy who had some decent grappling knowledge at a time when most other guys didnt..who trained Vale?

i would have loved to have seen Vale go on to fight renzo gracie at WCC just to see how quickly renzo could finish him..

He seemed to be very well trained for the time he fought. Yes, he "K.O.ed" Shamrock, that was his claim to fame coming into K-1 and MMA. He was fun to watch, and with better training, I think he could have been a real force in the early MMA days.

I have a huge Ken Shamrock interview detailing a lot on PWFG coming out soon (its taken months to work on bit by bit but I am very close). A lot on PWFG will be revealed.


Vale's body was already aging and failing him when he fought in NHB/MMA. Imagine how Vale vs Renzo, Vale vs Paulson, Paulson vs Renzo would have in Super Fight style without politics and striker or grappler WCC brackets. Vale had similar knowledge to Ken Shamrock and Hume at the time.

William C, that Shamrock interview sounds really interesting!

Btw, good point about the puroresu vs. actual shootfighting distinction and why people tend to get annoyed with Vale.

Him trying to pass off his pro wrestling matches as real fights pissed a lot of people off.

Consumed by his own stache after that dreadful Bitonio fight that shows up in my YouTube sidebar every Fucking day Phone Post 3.0

Carlton Fist - Vale's body was already aging and failing him when he fought in NHB/MMA. Imagine how Vale vs Renzo, Vale vs Paulson, Paulson vs Renzo would have in Super Fight style without politics and striker or grappler WCC brackets. Vale had similar knowledge to Ken Shamrock and Hume at the time.
Awful Phone Post 3.0

I fought in a small show back in 2000 in ct where he was a judge. He looked like a worn out biker, father time was not kind to him.

William C - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6KgmO6mH3svODusaIDWcg

I remember seeing that live.

Watching it again I had the same impression. Especially in the promo stuff showing his striking, he looked incredibly unimpressive - like a big, slow-moving new guy in a kickboxing class.

William C - it would be cool to see you get to interview Vale. The Shamrock one sounds like a good read. I know Vale was/is a big slow guy, but when I was younger I thought he was the coolest guy alive lol. Maybe it's because I liked pro wrestling as a kid. The Shootfighting stuff looked much more impressive than wrestling in the US. Anyone think he could have had a good MMA career if he wasn't already too old when MMA started picking up?

There is no way Hume had more knowledge than Ken in the early 1990's during their Pancrase stints. Hume became a wizard after then, but watch all his Pancrase fights (yes, I know there is an asterisk next to Hume's fights with Ken and Sullivan). In Pancrase Hume (IMO) showed great wrestling but little submission, submission defense, or striking. Pancrase asked Ken to go scout Hume and his group actually. Not sure how Pancrase knew of him.

Bart didn't have the knowledge Ken did either. In fact Ken's first (Florida) tryout around June 1990- when he knew nothing about submissions (he had only seen the Funaki vs Suzuki worked 4/90 match afaik)- he grappled Vale and handled him.

sherdog only gives him credit for 3 real mma fights

wiki has a bunch of rings matches as well

any video i find of a fight i wonder is real, looks fake

and he got owned a few times in real kickboxing matches

He was named the 2006 Black Belt Full Contact Fighter of the Year and placed in the Black Belt Hall of Fame. Some say Vale actually crossed paths with Jim Arvantis and some of his submissions skills came from him.