What's the worst late stoppage video you can find?

Not MMA, but Griffith vs Paret 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBNQNwCyYqk&pp=ygUTZ3JpZmZpdGggcGFyZXQgMTk2Mg%3D%3D

The Curran/Warren is always the first fight I think of when this is brought up. I was never a fan of Warren but I specifically remember screaming at my TV while watching this fight. Felt bad for Joe

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I think that’s the one.

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I watched Emile Griffith kill Benny “The Kid” Paret

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Yes! He fought 2 more rounds against a heavyweight juiced rumble with a broken jaw.

I was so fucking happy when Ciganou KO’d him!

Wheres the goodridge herrera gif

Not sure if this has been posted yet or not.

This is a prolonged beating that could have been stoppped a couple times imo

Fedor vs TK 2 was quite the sadistic beating too. By design. Fedor wanted to prove a point. Though does it qualify as “late stoppage”?

Igor vs Enson is one that comes to mind.

It’s a weird one because there’s never any “oh my god stop it, he’s dead” moments…but it’s just a prolonged, methodical, one sided beat down for so much of that fight. Igor was like the Terminator, just relentless, unhurried violence.

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Vitor vs. John Hess


great call^ at least 6 full power punches which were not needed

found it. I’m aware that this thread required videos rather than descriptions so skipped through a fair few fucking videos searching for this lol

skip to 47.10

I remember thinking that Mir v Carwin was pretty bad