What's your favorite guard?

butterfly/sitting guard. Half guard. with gi - deep half guard.

i used to rely solely on open guard (by the way, it is either an open guard or closed guard or half guard, forget the other names, too many to remember). i have been working closed guard more often now in my later years as i think i abandoned it too early for the open guard and half guard.

Empire - i used to rely solely on open guard (by the way, it is either an open guard or closed guard or half guard, forget the other names, too many to remember). i have been working closed guard more often now in my later years as i think i abandoned it too early for the open guard and half guard.

I think Roy Harris said that a lot of people return to the closed guard around the brown belt level.

And I think Saulo wrote in his book that one of the bad things about the closed guard is that it is so dangerous and effective that if you play it a lot, you might not practice open guard as much as you should.


i really noticed it when i saw how much trouble this one phenom brown and the black belt was giving me. i was really getting stifled by their closed guard. once they open up, i usually pass, as my passing game and top game are my best games. he just kept locking me up from there, stifling my game. it forced me to re-examine my defense from there, focusing on some details i forgot about and made me want to work it more. i butt flop more often now and force closed guard.

it changes w/ the times, but lately it has been collar/sleeve grips with sleeve-side shin across the chest and the collar-side foot on a guy's arm or hip. this guard = triangle choke.


closed, half, butterfly, DLR and RDLR.

Most difficult to pass : X guard and deep half guard.

favorites: open, spider, de la riva, 50/50

 Mounted Guard.  Ya know, when your ankles are crossed under his hips from top.

Never heard that term, but I do like that position.

Tortilla guard. =[

Closed, Half, butterfly and x-guard

any guard that gets me the sub or sweep. ;-)

ryangruhn -  Mounted Guard.  Ya know, when your ankles are crossed under his hips from top.

At first glance I read that as being under mount and bringing your feet in front of your opponent and crossing your ankles. Now there is a freaky guard ...