He punched someone AFTER the fight was over!!!
Paul Harris was WARNED for eye gouging, NOT penalized, yet he is suspended?
This is a terrible precedent being set.
The ref has no say now ...if a president does not like what he saw he can make his own rules.
Garbage from the WSOF.
Shields is crybabying his way to a title.
Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?
And the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.
jkd4200 - Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?It was more a reaction of frustration and pain than it was a conscious choice of rule breaking. And given the damage that shoulder lock can do compared to any love tap of a “punch” from that position, I’m willing to overlook shields’ infraction. That hold was bullshitAnd the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.

thetattedbatman -I agree. I give jake a pass in this situation. Paul Harris fought a very dirty fight and held on too long again. Mazagatti should be suspended too loljkd4200 - Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?It was more a reaction of frustration and pain than it was a conscious choice of rule breaking. And given the damage that shoulder lock can do compared to any love tap of a "punch" from that position, I'm willing to overlook shields' infraction. That hold was bullshit
And the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.

Self defense. Now please STFU!
Daley must be crying right now
I don't wrestle or grapple so to me the tap and release seemed fine, but the eye and face gouging ? That was bad, it reminded me of Mendez gouging McGregor's cut, but far worse.
The problem was Paul Harris did it almost the whole fight. Why do these refs give so many warnings when they should be taking a point ?
UGCTT_mrthesnake -thetattedbatman -I agree. I give jake a pass in this situation. Paul Harris fought a very dirty fight and held on too long again. Mazagatti should be suspended too loljkd4200 - Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?It was more a reaction of frustration and pain than it was a conscious choice of rule breaking. And given the damage that shoulder lock can do compared to any love tap of a "punch" from that position, I'm willing to overlook shields' infraction. That hold was bullshit
And the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.
Let's say i agree totally with both of you... it does not matter.
Its our opinion on the matter NOT what the rules say.
My point to this thread is: we are on a slippery slope when the president starts making decisions that the REF did not even make.
No point deduction!!!
the rules state you can not hit an opponent after the fight.
Paul Harris was only going by what the ref allowed.
Dont' punish the fighter because of an idiot ref!
It's bullshit....fuck detective Shields
Usually I would be all with you.
But Shields is justified here. Even if he does get fined/suspended, it would be worth it.
jkd4200 -Is your issue that harris is being penalized for something the ref didn’t call him on, or because shields isn’t being penalized for a rule break as well?UGCTT_mrthesnake -thetattedbatman -I agree. I give jake a pass in this situation. Paul Harris fought a very dirty fight and held on too long again. Mazagatti should be suspended too loljkd4200 - Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?It was more a reaction of frustration and pain than it was a conscious choice of rule breaking. And given the damage that shoulder lock can do compared to any love tap of a “punch” from that position, I’m willing to overlook shields’ infraction. That hold was bullshitAnd the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.
Let’s say i agree totally with both of you… it does not matter.
Its our opinion on the matter NOT what the rules say.
My point to this thread is: we are on a slippery slope when the president starts making decisions that the REF did not even make.
No point deduction!!!
the rules state you can not hit an opponent after the fight.
Paul Harris was only going by what the ref allowed.
Dont’ punish the fighter because of an idiot ref!
If your issue is the former, then tough nuts, those were some pretty blatant eye gouges that should have been called during the fight. Just because the call to hold him responsible for them came after the fight instead of during it, doesn’t make the decision any less just.
If your issue is the latter…well, fine, I guess you have a point. Slap a 6 month suspension on him and take 10% of his purse away. Don’t know what the point of that is, I guess at least justice is served? Let it be a lesson then, don’t let basic instincts take over when you’re about to have your arm popped out of its socket.
WattMell - Daley punches someone after the bell and gets suspended from the UFC for life. Shields does same exact thing, no repercussions and gets title.Daley did it to sucker punch Koscheck, Shields did it as reaction

My point is = Paul Harris did not feel like he did anything wrong! He was warned about finger placement, and be careful of hie eyes... BUT he was never deducted a point.
You can't go back and look at tape and say "i think he did this on purpose because jake is crying about it".
My other point is = they are setting a very risky precedent by NOT disciplining someone for punching AFTER the fight.
It does not matter if WE AS FANS think it was justified.
so the next time someone does not like how they were submitted they can punch you after the fight because it was JUSTIFIED.
I think all 3 of them need to be disciplined. Mazzagatti needs to be fired. We need referees that understand what it's like to be in there, what a massive disadvantage it becomes when an opponent is consistently gouging your eyes. A point isn't enough for what Palhares was getting away with. Deserved 2-3 points taken, and at that point he would be disqualified.
Refs are so cowardly when making any decision in there, for fear of being chastised or just incompetence, I'm not sure. This sport seems to have overtaken its ruleset and scoring system and it needs an overhaul, bad.
IronWill - I think all 3 of them need to be disciplined. Mazzagatti needs to be fired. We need referees that understand what it's like to be in there, what a massive disadvantage it becomes when an opponent is consistently gouging your eyes. A point isn't enough for what Palhares was getting away with. Deserved 2-3 points taken, and at that point he would be disqualified.
Refs are so cowardly when making any decision in there, for fear of being chastised or just incompetence, I'm not sure. This sport seems to have overtaken its ruleset and scoring system and it needs an overhaul, bad.
Good points... i agree
Mazzagatti let it get out of hand.
He should have warned... then taken multiple points away.
But again, this is BS to strip him of his title.
Ref is too blame...
Ref should also know that anytime Paul Harris is on the ground, GET THE FUCK READY TO STOP THE FIGHT
jkd4200 -I think cod Sefo is a fighter himself he expects the athletes representing his company and brand to act in the spirit of the competition. If the incompetent ref won't punish poor behavior then he will. I don't know why no action action against shields, maybe he felt for jakes circumstance?UGCTT_mrthesnake -thetattedbatman -I agree. I give jake a pass in this situation. Paul Harris fought a very dirty fight and held on too long again. Mazagatti should be suspended too loljkd4200 - Why is nobody talking about striking another athlete after the fight?It was more a reaction of frustration and pain than it was a conscious choice of rule breaking. And given the damage that shoulder lock can do compared to any love tap of a "punch" from that position, I'm willing to overlook shields' infraction. That hold was bullshit
And the ref NEVER disciplined paul harris.
Let's say i agree totally with both of you... it does not matter.
Its our opinion on the matter NOT what the rules say.
My point to this thread is: we are on a slippery slope when the president starts making decisions that the REF did not even make.
No point deduction!!!
the rules state you can not hit an opponent after the fight.
Paul Harris was only going by what the ref allowed.
Dont' punish the fighter because of an idiot ref!

WattMell - Daley punches someone after the bell and gets suspended from the UFC for life. Shields does same exact thing, no repercussions and gets title.Difference is Daley chased cod across the cage and king hit him from behind, not exactly an instant reaction as jakes was. They hadn't even separated when jake lashed out. Not to mention that Daley was frustrated by getting beaten fair and square and no right to lash out at all. Jake had his eyes gouged repeatedly during the fight then his arm nearly torn off after the tap. Well within his rights to be pissed off, though I'm not saying he was right to throw the punch.