where is John Dixson from

Monday and wednesdayswe train on Keesler AFB... 6- till 9 or so
Tuesdays and Thursdays in O.S. from 8pm -till
Saturdays .. call us and we can meet at any given time in the afternoon...

Sweet. best day might be on a thursday.


Come on Adam "Clean sweep" Boome says you have a real good triangle... (wink wink)

Yall Mississippi guys are starting to worry me.

Fred is a bitch and i will hurt him at the next practice. I am gonna stop being nice to him. From now on when i have you six feet in the air i am gonna slam u to the ground instead of just letting you get away with a warning. If JC does come and train with us he isnt allowed to wear the mask or the kilt.

Why not. Thats where mt skill comes from.

See J.C. ... I told you.. Adam doesnt tlk about anything but slamming men... something is wrong with him. seriously, we may have to do an intervention or something.


Try to get him into a 12 step program or something.

Frederick "the guinea pig" Griswade, I will see you at pratice monday.

TTT for a new guinea pig in the gym


TTT for the Dungeon

