Where to train in Denver?

Yeah, one more school to mention is Colorado BJJ run by David Ruiz. I
used to train with David at the Rigan Machado school and the guy has
awesome, awesome techniques and attitude towards training and
teaching. I'd definitely check him out along with the other schools to
see how they work for you.

Andy Wang

This is not personal, just having fun stating some facts.

sreiter, How come there is never a Cobjj'er in the advanced division at the pancrase? How does Seth Bregman (sorry about spelling), a 20 year Judo B.B, enter the Pancrase as a beginer?

camel toe -

ummm, pancrease is NHB

LMFAO @ you - i tooled tons of your best grapplers -

no, i didnt go against that one wrestler dude who caught amal on a wierd day

not to mention the fact that grapplers edge is pretty the only school to enter that bogus tourny

AND the rules favor wrestlers

AND the judges are in your pockets

who the fuck from GE won in pancrease?

one of your best boys (nobu) left and is with Co. bjj

Who the fuck from GE ever won a real bjj/sub wrestling event? as in GQ or the pan am's etc.

Seth - is in hos early 20's so i dont think he's been a judo due for 20 years

as far as why he enters as a beginner, it is because he is one -

maybe you dont know the difference, but i do

he's still a beginner in bjj - still a white belt (unless he got promotd in the last 6 months) - i've rolled with him shit loads of times, and he still doesnt know the bjj game, or to many subs, or newaza - he knows judo -

pancrease in nhb, and unless he's been doing THAT for 20 yr's, he's still a beginner -

whats the matter, sad cause you got your ass kicked?

"The Grappler's Edge Team won their 10th U.S. National Submission Wrestling and/or Jiu Jitsu Team Title (to date), by winning the 2006 PANCRASE USA NORTH AMERICAN SUBMISSION WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS on March 11, 2006, in Broomfield, Colorado"
This looks like a sub. tourny to me.
For who won:
Jess Zobeck, Thiago Detanico, Matt Lackey, Niles Waterson, Jesse Kim, and Angie Poe all won their divisions this year. If you would like more just holla.

Hey guys dont get me wrong. I have love for everybody. Like it was said before, everybody thinks their school is the best. As for who enters the pancrase:

01: Grappler's Edge 117 points
02: High Altitude Martial Arts 69 points
03: Easton's (Boulder/Tri-town) BJJ 33 points
04: Tool Shed 13 points
05: Gumm B.J.J./MMA 9 points
06: Colorado Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 8 points
07: Mile High Gracie Academy, 8 points
08: Team Carvalho 7 points
09: R1 Wrestling 6 points
10: Stars, 5 points
Some good schools in here.

I will give you Nobu. He did leave GE and go to Cobjj, but I believe he still shows up on Sat. mornings to roll. Mike Nickles has also been before. As far as Seth goes; he is in the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 1988! That was in the 8 and under div. Like I said, just facts.

last time i checked nick kline of eaton bjj finished everybody in the absolute in under 1 min. yes i said everybody and that was 5 matches. i think i could at least make it 1.5 minutes


by the way he finished everybody in his weight class too and he didn't even get the grappler of the day award.

Must say that all of these schools have something to offer. They are all very good. I would pick Grapplers Edge our Jiujitsu is up to par and or wrestlting is up to par and we also have some Judo champions aswell. Are Muay Thai is pretty good aswell. Search each gym and make your choice. We all have a trial class or two. -Bumpy

Hi Steve R.  Didn't know you posted on the mark forum. See you when our mutual friend returns. You're just joking...right??? 




the name inplies it's some big tourney-

but no one outside of the denver area goes to AND

grapplers edge is pretty mch the only people who compete in that tourney -

the bjj folks stay away - they think it pretty much sucks - and specifically dis-favors them

NOBU teaches @ co bjj sat mornings

Wow, getting heated here. I'd like to make a few points without getting into any arguments.

I can appreciate the loyalty being shown here and some rivalry is a good thing. It will only push all the schools to work harder at getting better. Everyone benefits from healthy, fair & friendly competition. Just keep it on the friendly level.

Several studs (from all the area schools and elsewhere... including abroad) have competed in the Pancrase tournament. It is not an easy tournament to win. Many of the competitors have competed in, and have won, other major events. Anyone who says its a bullshit tournament should prove it by winning the absolute next year. I'll bet none of the past advanced winners feel this way either.

Pick a school that close to you, affordable, offers what you're looking for, and one that feels comfortable to you. Grapplers Edge allows you to try each discipline free before signing up. I'm sure the other schools all offer similar deals. Try them all out and see which one "fits" you best.

Nick is a monster. Period. I want no part of being in that guy's guard. I think the reason he didn't get the grappler of the event award was because Koble beat Amal so convincingly.

I believe that given Amals many accomplishments, that this was considered a "big deal" and that's why he (Koble) got the award. If I remember right, Amal was the only one who scored a point on him all day in that event. That's a compliment to his and Eric's skill levels. I'd also say its insulting to say he only lost because he had an off day. When Eric's on he can hang with anyone at his weight and Amal's off days are still better than most anyone else's best days.

Nobu was at GE last Saturday. Saw him there. He's been there several times recently. I've seen him there personally. Big deal. Maybe he feels like he gets something good from both places???

Several people train at more than one school here in the Denver area. I've worked with lots of guys who "belong" to other schools at GE and I know a couple who train at other places too, despite calling us home. It's their money and their right to do so.

Duane teaches out of T's KO in wheatridge. Duane is definitely the best standup instructor I've ever trained with. He'll make sure you correct your bad habits in no time, and he doesn't allow for sloppy training. Homeboy is a straight technique nazi.

Grappler's Edge has a grip of good wrestlers, but you can't use the pancrase tournament as a barometer for a school's skills. For one thing, GE enters way more competitors into that tournament than any other school in the area, and for another, the rules certainly favor wrestlers. Amal had a bit of an off day that day, but it was also the same day Nick Kline from Boulder BJJ finished everyone in the absoulte division in like, the first minute of each match. Eliot Marshall would do the same thing if he entered -- he might even do more damage than Nick did.

Boulder BJJ has more big tournament wins (pan ams, grappler's quest, etc) than any other school in the area. I believe Eliot is the head instructor in Boulder now. Amal spends most of his time getting the Denver school off the ground, but he still teaches several classes a week up in Boulder. You're definitely in good hands at either Easton BJJ academy.

Steve, constructive criticism is welcome but most of your allegations are simply incorrect.  Please check the facts. To do otherwise, makes you seem uninformed and out of touch.  A good place to start is with our friend Ricardo M.  You value his opinion....right?

Congratulations on that brown belt.  A l-o-n-g, long, long time coming.

PS:  NOBU took 2nd place in that "bogus" tourney.





There are alot of gyms and everyone has something that they are specific with. As of now there is not a COMPLETE gym in all of Denver. Your best best is to mix and match gyms for the best taining you can get. There is "of course" my gym - www.KO-FFS.com and I am on the Miletich Fight Team and a Miletich Fighting Systems Affiliate. I have alot of stuff coming up and will keep everyone up to date on the main website.




"Hi Steve R. Didn't know you posted on the mark forum. See you when our mutual friend returns. You're just joking...right???"


Sorry man - as anyone who reads my posts will attest, i have a tendency to lose my temper when provoked on these type threads - and just go off

when someone attacks, i strike back...HARDER

I still remain loyal to my school in thinking it's the best school for bjj

Chadk -

we can talk off line about Nobu -

Come on Grapplers Edge? WOuld you really want to train with the guy on the right?

Just Kidding GE is a good school. Only thing better is the Turkish Oil Wreslting School. I beleive that ChadK has more info.


"Only thing better is the Turkish Oil Wreslting School. I beleive that ChadK has more info."

Yes, I am in line to be the first student ever promoted to Turkish Oil Wrestling black belt under KidJustice. Once I recieve this promotion, I intend to ask Sensei Kid for his permission to open my own academy.