well? I mean I know everyone says, no simple carbs, little fat, high protein, only complex carbs, eat something like a 40protien,40complex carb, 20fat, etc... but does anyone actually do this with all honesty?
I'm asking because I've been trying to bulk for the past 4 weeks, so far i've put on 3 lbs, but I with my caloric intake at 3000, I really can't cram anymore food into my stomach without shoving more fat, because 1 gram of fat contains 8 calories and of course fat tastes good. I am avoding sugars, but I do eat protein style hamburgers at in and out, and I eat Hot pastrami at togos, which are both high in fat, but I just can't bear to cram tuna into my stomach anymore without yacking. I've also been eatiing alot of KFC as each drumstick is low on carbs, I'm aware that the carbs are simple though, but damn it tastes good.
Of course at the same time 3 of my 5 meals a day are fairly healthy, wheat bread, lean turkey meats, peanut better, soy milk, etc.
Anyhow, just wondering how many people actually eat by the book while bulking and wether I should stop doing what I'm doing now and start eating by the book till I throw up.
Check and see what a 1/2 cup of almonds will do for you. OmegaIII fats in the nuts are good and supply quite a few calories.
If you are serious about bulking up, some fat gain becomes part of the deal usually.
When I start to cut, is fat still ok if you count your calories and make sure your getting enough protien ?
Yes. Do not fear fat. Your body needs fat. If you're consuming a moderate carb diet just make sure you get the healthy fats(poly and monounsaturated) and EFA such as Omega III and just watch your caloric intake.
The KFC doesn't count as healthy fats.
White bread and soy milk are not healthy.
Given that KFC isn't healthy fat, it doesn't actually make you fat right? as long as you watch your caloric intake? I also don't eat white bread. Why is soy not healthy? I'm lactose intolerant so milk I can't do.
I eat normal 40/40/20 when bulking but I add a Cookies and Cream CytoGainer shake with one meal a day. Its 54g protein with 2g creatine, some amount of gluteamine and a host of complex carbs. I make good lean gains this way. Plus CytoGainer tastes like an Oreo shake form Jack in the Box mmmmm
"Given that KFC isn't healthy fat, it doesn't actually make you fat right? "
You will get fat if you eat more calories than you consume. Thats the law of thermodynamics, no real way around it. The problem with KFC is that it is fried in hydrogenated vegatable oil, which is basically poison for your heart. Avoid it like the plague.
Soy is not healthy because it contains anti-nutrients, which interfere with the uptake of nutrients your body needs.
Here is more info on soy if you are interested:
The guy they called the steroid guru(now deceased) used to advise to people who couldn't put on weight to eat hight fat. And that's pretty much what I had to do to gain weight. I could eat low fat til I felt sick and not get enough calories to gain weight.
Protein and Carbs per gram = 4.2 calories.
Fat per gram = 9 calories.
Didn't you guys hear? You can lose weight eating KFC.
(anyone see that fucking commercial?)
Yeah, thats why I started eating kfc hehe. Okay I know it has fats that are bad for my heart, but I'm still young.
Thanks for all your responses. It's nice to hear that I dont have to cram only good foods into me while I bulk.
eat lots and lift heavy...simple truth. healthy? maybe. in order to lose weight and size I focused on what I ate. in other words I applied the food percentages and what not. when i didn't pay attention to foods I gained size. cardio stuff was just about everyday from biking for transportation, ld runs and running hills. every weekend hit the beach for diving and swimming. the lifting though definitely was boosted by copious amounts of food- but no desserts.
I don't normally eat as healthy, no. Lately I've been putting a 1/4 cup of olive oil in protein shakes. I get light-tasting, regular olive oil. Tons of calories in it, and it's good for you.
oreos and shake lol. i still try to avoid sugars though :)
eat the book!:)
I eat whatever I want, whenever I want. Like Bernard Hopkins, I must have perfect metabolism.