Horn And Franklin could beat Tito


"Monty Cocks"

I'm pissed I never got it first :)

I repeat, Franklin would beat Tito. KO. End of discussion

lol at all of this.

Horn and Tito would be a great fight. No way in hell it would look like Tito/Elvis. Horn arugably has the best all around skill set of any fighter in the world. No way Tito would be able to take him down and handle him like he did Elvis.

And Sylvia would CRUSH Tito. If Ricco couldn't come close to taking Tim down, then what chance does Tito have? This fight would play out the exact same way as Chuck/Tito. Ortiz would try a few takedowns, fail miserably, be forced to standup and get ko'd. That fight is a no-brainer if you ask me.

And why do people keep saying that Tito's submissions are under-rated? Aside from a cobra choke on a much smaller Yuki Kondo, I've never seen him do anything even close to a submission. After watching his fight with Randy, he looked completely lost on his back.

I would like to add, That even if anyone thinks none of my fellow fighters can beat a puppet show like tito. They are very wrong. At MFS we have several fighters that are not in the UFC and frankly some of them really don't want to due to What they Did to The Freak. And to How they pick certain fighters and make them a promo tool.

Franklin would defeat Tito without a doubt.

I like Horn's chances !! Think his style would have a good chance

LOL. I am a HUGE MFS fan and there are maybe two intriging fights.

1)Pulver. Are you serious? Jens is the SHIT, buts lets put down the crack pipe. He would be giving up seemingly 50 pounds to a athlete just as talented as himself. I would bet the fight would be over in less than three minutes.

2) Lawler. No difference, Tito has a size advantage and a hefty one. Couple that with Titos striking being better than it has in the past I think Lawler may be able to last a minute longer than Jens, thats about it

3) Hughes. At ADDC Tito dominated takedowns and positioning against Hughes. I am a HUGE Hughes fan, but the size difference is to great, and IMO Tito is a better striker. Even should Hughes get him down, I dont see how he could finish someone who Randy Couture never came close to finishing. Tito would take Hughes out in late second if not earlier.

4) Militech, the man behind the champs. An awesome competitor at 170 who moved up and was dispatched by a inferior striker but better wrestler in Matt Lindland. But I am sure that Tito Ortiz who walks much larger than Lindland wouldnt be able to get past his guard right?

5) Horn. One of the only good fights. Horn has the experience and skills to give trouble though I dont think he would beat Tito. Striking being about even IMO it would come down to ground sets. And Titos ability to ground and pound on the top has proven more effective than Horns ability to finish quality opponents from the bottom. Tito by dec.

6) Sylvia. I think that too many people discount Tim because of his loss to Mir which was more of a misplaced strategy than anything IMO. Tim shucked off Riccos takedowns like a ragdoll, but people claim that Hughes takes him down in training regularly using sound technique. If this is True IMO Titos takedowns being more technical and crisp than Riccos would probably do the job. If Tito got Tim down to the ground, he probably could finish the job, but standing would not be an option with someone the reach and size of Sylvia. If ANYONE can beat Tito at MFS, is Tim, and maybe a slight chance to Horn, everyone else barring out a fluke would get completely decimated IMO.

This is a retarded thread. That is all.

no one...

Horn has the best shot if he's at his top game..

but, despite tito's recent losses, he's still a bad muthafucker!


Ron Tursak!!!!

Horn could beat anybody on a given night. He is a bad man.

LOL @ Reinhardt!!! :)

No, although I definitely could not beat him, I am pretty sure that my idol, Jeremy, could beat him! ;)

Jeremy Horn for PRESIDENT!!!!

Tim Sylvia might literally KILL Tito.

In my opinion MFS has the best stable of hwt's in the world....

Tim Sylvia
Justin Eilers
Nate Schroder
Mike Whitehead
Sam Hogar
Ben Rothwell

Where are you gonna find 6 tougher guys than that in one room? Luckily for me they are all my training partners

I think Horn would beat Tito...


Yes, Horn has never been handled. Tito can only win a fight if he can manhandle his opponent.

lmao@bobby lawler

Hughes was winning against tito until they went out of bounds with tito shooting in. they started with tito in deep on a takedown. Horn would beat tito by sub.

"Pat said himself that a descent ampunt of $$ "could" bring him back....But since he has a famil;y now he doesn't want to put himself in ANY position to be injured....He wants to be a good father that can do evewrything, not a good father that has to throw the football from a lawnchair because of a heelhook."

I am LMAO if Pat said this. Reads EXACTLY like Mikey Burnett's old posts on that subject.

A clear cut case of hypocracy as Pat was dogging Mikey for giving the same reasons he is for not returning to action. The money doesn't matter, Pat!!! Right? Fighters just Fight!! LOL!

Then again, I have not seen that direct quote from Pat, so who knows. If he really did say that.. oh man.. LMAO again.

Pat is proven, been there and done that as a fighter and coach.....one of the best in the world in every aspect. Mikey fought a few times.....Pat has fought his whole life. Two different stories.