Who dislikes Sylvia UG Poll


No one disputes that Tim is a hard worker, yes he has the desire and will to fight. He just comes off as big goof whenever they put a microphone in front of his face.

Like him

When he grows his hair out and stops wearing his belt to the local grocery store I might like him.

he is a good guy, sit down and chat with him sometime. if you have the guts to do so.

Tim is a nice guy and he his a hard worker.  Man enough to admit his mistakes and comes back stronger than ever to correct them.

I have met him, talked to him and from that I can say that I like him. 



Warfrog, I will throw down with Tim anytime he wants. Just find the promotor, Tim if your out there reading this. Mike O'borne officially challenges you! If you don't respond within 5 minutes I will take this as you don't have the balls to step up and face the Irish Nightmare, which is Mike O'borne!!!

Dislike him very much! The guy should never open up his mouth!