Who has trained the most UFC Champions

Of the coaches out there, who has trained the most UFC champions

ricardo liborio (w/ BTT & ATT) - nog, bustamante, vitor, lombard, mike brown, bigfoot silva

shermbe - ricardo liborio (w/ BTT & ATT) - nog, bustamante, vitor, lombard, mike brown, bigfoot silva

Your list get s a lot smaller if you actually name UFC champs.

Probably Greg Jackson. Pat Miletich is on the list.

Jackson and Miletich both have three right?

Jackson - Bones Jones, GSP, Rashad
Miletich - Hughes, Pulver, Timmay

Blackhouse has 3 as well. Nog, Anderson, Aldo

BigWilliam - Jackson and Miletich both have three right?

Jackson - Bones Jones, GSP, Rashad

Miletich - Hughes, Pulver, Timmay

Blackhouse has 3 as well. Nog, Anderson, Aldo

 I thought that Blackhouse was just a management team.

Hughes, Sylvia, Pulver...Franklin(kind of counts)? Who else am i missing?
MFS Elite.

Miletich - Hughes, Pulver, Timmay, & himself!!!!!

WAIT... Wouldn't Black House have 4? Anderson, Aldo, Nog, & Machida

Hardlyworththeweight - WAIT... Wouldn't Black House have 4? Anderson, Aldo, Nog, & Machida

Good call Phone Post

Does black house have a "Head coach" though?

Miletich with 4 takes it I think - Miletich, Hughes, Pulver, and Timmy. BTW GSP is a Tristar guy not Jackson Phone Post

Erik Paulson has trained: Sean Sherk, Brock, Ken Shammrock and Josh Barnett.

It is tricky as people move around so much.

Renzo trains GSP and Edgar, and rashad thanked Renzo after his last fight, does that count.

I don't think you can give Paulson credit for Sherk. He has trained with him before but I would say Sherk was primarily trained by Greg Nelson for his title fights.
Greg has 3 Sherk, Brock, and I believe Dave Menne trained with him during his title time. Add Nick Thompson for Bodog if that counts. Then its 4 champs of major orgs.

This may be off brief, but I was thinking the other day about the fact that Phil Nurse has helped 4 of the current UFC champs with their MT. And actively works with 3 of those.

(I believe Cain has trained with him - being the fourth - but obviously not as regularly as Edgar, GSP, and JBJ)

It's not head coaching, but still a pretty impressive connection.

Xtreme Couture has Randy, Vitor, Forrest and idk Phone Post

Miletich is only one that took raw talent and turned it into belts. Jackson took guys that were already successful in the game and made them better.

 Saul Soliz is one of the VERY few people in the world to be the Head Trainer for 2 simultaneously.

I think the argument can be made that the guys I mentioned under Greg Nelson developed their careers under him and got to Championship level. Similar to Militech.