Who has trained the most UFC Champions

kanodogg2 - The most UFC champions would have to be millititch right? He had 3, Sylvia, pulver, Hughes. Jackson has had gsp, jones and Evans, but is gsp really a jacksons fighter, he's mainly tristar with zahabi isn't he, just gameplans with jacksons.

Hammer house has Coleman, randleman Phone Post

This. Gsp is pretty much a tristar fighter. I actually think gsp might be less cautious and timid in his fights If Jackson wasn't involved even though Jackson is still one of the best. I feel like firas would like more control of gsp during fights IMO. Phone Post

From what i've seen on countdown shows, GSP trains most of the time at Tristar before his fights, under Zahibi.

He goes to Greg Jacksons from time to time, but from what i've read, him and Condit (guy that trains regulary at Jacksons) never trained together actually and Condit is there almost all the time.

Also, a lot of already developed fighters go to Greg and find more success, but that doesn't mean he developed those fighters from beggining, those were already made fighters before they came to Jacksons for fight training and 2 month camps.

Guys like Miletich that trained fighters from beggining, they developed champions.

As far as Rich Franklin/Militech goes, I believe he never trained there on a full time basis, but he did have the same manager, Monte Cox, as the Militech guys. I'm sure he did cross train down there, but I think having the same manager is what ties them together.

When I think coach, I think someone who has taken a fighter from their first mma fight to becoming UFC champion. If you look at that, Militech is at the top of the list. An argument could also be made for Jeremy Horn, since he was one of the coaches at MFS as well.

Cesar recently had 3 at once with Gil, Nick and Jake. Not the most but worth a mention. Phone Post


I should learn to read more better Phone Post

Franklin lived in Cincinnati and has done most of his training there but, IIRC, when he was champ, he frequently went to MFS to train before fights, and he even cornered MFS fighters like Silvia.