Who's Rolled with Rickson Gracie?

I'm curious if any posters here have rolled with he legend, himself, and how they'd compare the experience with their rolls with other fighters.

I wish

Me too.

The two best people I've rolled with are Nelson Monteiro and Fabio Santos; but Fabio always said, "Rickson is on another level."

I've rolled with Nelson Monteiro as well. He was pretty amazing.

Nelson is not a big guy, but from the "100 Kilos" position, I'd swear he weight 220 pounds. I was taking classes in Del Mar off of Jimmy Durante WAY back around UFC 2 and 3.

almost and i could kick myself for not.

was at a Rickson seminar a few months before UFC1 in miami, about 40 people there, he rolled almost everyone one after another, easily tapping the whole room. I was tired so i passed.

idiot that i am.

but yes he is amazing

I have rolled with Saulo and Xande. They beat me down like I am a little rag doll and with more ease than I have ever been tapped before.

It is utterly depressing, considering the fact that I am (in my own estimation) a GOOD purple.

Rickson tapped me just as easily as Saulo and Xande.

It is impossible for me to tell how good Rickson is because any wold class Ju-Jitsu guy toys with me.

But when Saulo says Rickson tapps him.... I can't even comprehend that shit... I don't even know if I want to.

I have. The BEST!

"But when Saulo says Rickson tapps him.... I can't even comprehend that shit... I don't even know if I want to."

See, this is what truly amazes me too. That's like when Fabio Gurgel, who just became world champ, goes on the pilgrimage to train with Rickson afterwards, and says that he's never tapped so many times in his life.

I can't comprehend how good that is either.

When did you roll with him, AmericanJJ? Details, man!

Rickson eats Chuck Norris for breakfast.

" was tired so i passed" nooooooo! 

ok sorry, just had an overly empathetic moment there thinking how I would have felt if that was me. Sorry, I'm sure you feel bad enough. There will be other opportunities if you try, I'm sure.

I felt like I was a white belt. I would blink and boom he's on my back. He moved smooth and sleek like a snake and when he had rear mount he was litterally "toying" with me.

I felt like a little school boy getting reprimanded by my pastor. He ownded me that day.Ughh the memories..

I felt like I was a white belt."

What belt were you?

I have not but my partner trained with him for years before moving over to Rigan.  He's said a number of things about rolling with Rickson, including "he's not human".

Getting his blue belt in Rickson's garage (1996 I believe)

Awesome picture, Joy!

That reminds me of another description - grappling with a 400lb anaconda.

Thanks Rastus-

He has described it as rolling with a bag of bb's, where he fills any gaps, leaving you no place to move and seems to predict where you're going long before you've gotten there.  He also says that Rigan just smothers him.  I've been smothered by Rigan as well but that doesn't count since I don't even train.

"and seems to predict where you're going long before you've gotten there. "

I've heard that description before too - his uncanny knack at anticipating your next move...like a mind smother.

I remember with Nelson that he'd ALWAYS make you carry his weight. That was especially pronounced in the 100 kilos position.

Fabio told me the last person to beat Rickson was his brother, Rolls, who was the family champ before the hang gliding accident.

"That reminds me of another description - grappling with a 400lb anaconda."

Actually, I believe Roy Harris' description was "a mind reading 400lbs anaconda".

You're right, Biggy! That's where I heard it.

Rastus-I was a white belt at the time.

Despite being pinned like a cat along a fence by a pitbull I felt "safe" as when we were done he patted me on my back and said... "Good job my freng... you'r a strong buddy. poraa"

the only other time I ever felt that way again was at the birth of my 1st son...