Who's Rolled with Rickson Gracie?

LMAO!!!  Rigan's like a brother to me.  But, don't ever play a practical joke on him... especially if you're stuck in Europe with him for the next 2 weeks.  He WILL pay you back!

(spent 2 weeks with he and my partner in Europe back in April)

What's really interesting is that the ONLY people who doubt or talk sh!t about his grappling ability are people who have NEVER rolled w/ him. Even among his most rabid haters.....not ONE has ever claimed to have rolled with him.

We've got PLENTY of 1st hand accounts on this forum from regular Joes and world class grapplers or BJJ fighters. Saolo, Gurgel, Filho, all say that Rickson TOYED w/ them....Think about that.

I don't know man, I think I'll go w/ the opinion people that have actually rolled w/ him and current top world class grapplers that claim to have been OWNED by him rather than listen to some lame, sh!t talking, keyboard trolls who have NEVER rolled w/ him (or even met him) or some sh!t talking weasel like Mark Laimon (who also has NEVER rolled w/ him). Pretty obvious.

LMAO!!!  Rigan's like a brother to me.  But, don't ever play a practical joke on him... especially if you're stuck in Europe with him for the next 2 weeks.  He WILL pay you back!

(spent 2 weeks with he and my partner in Europe back in April)



Damn dude do you spit or do you swallow?

I'm not a dude.  If anyone remembers, I only joined the UG back in May to recruit fighters for a reality show Rigan's working on.  You'll find my contact info on his website and a lot of pictures of the Europe trip on my MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/califcandyass).  The other man in the pictures is my partner.

lol explains a lot. hmm I'll have to stalk you on myspace later...

I have had the honor to train with him on many occassions. I have also rolled with some other great BJJ Black Belts. However, rolling with Rickson is NOT the same. It is truly an experience of helplessness. Between the mental chaos of constantly being on the defense and his ability to capitalize on any mistake, you simple can't do anything. I have heard this same type of description for many well known BJJ Black belts. In my opinion, Rickson's BJJ is the best ever. I don't make that statement as a criticism of anyone of the many great BJJ champions. Simply put, Rickson is just at a different level.

'What's really interesting is that the ONLY people who doubt or talk sh!t about his grappling ability are people who have NEVER rolled w/ him. Even among his most rabid haters.....not ONE has ever claimed to have rolled with him.'

This is the most correct statement ever.

When I trained with him, all technical ability aside, he is one of the most genuine, nicest guys I have ever met.

As far as technically, one thing that amazed me (among a lot of others!) was his base standing. He would stand there and you could push with all your might, and he wouldn't move. It was like trying to push over a wall. Then he would actually encourage you to try and trick him, by pulling one way, then pushing the other. Again, like trying to move a wall!

"we started off on feet which was cool that he allowed me to do so. i thought i had a takedown but he jumped guard (i guess he did not want to hurt me real bad). i was on top of him, and he tried to armbar me, so i picked him up and slammed him and he went out for a bit, i then proceeded to hammer fist him 5-6 times into a bloody mess, and i got up and said "the price is wrong bitch!". his eyes just opened up as he grabbed my throat and then beat me to a pulp, as i fell to the ground he said "i think you had enough", then he came back and kicked me in the ribs one more time while i was down and he said "no, now you had enough". then i woke up."

LMAO! I was tricked into actually loling at this. You got me at "the price is wrong, bitch!"

Once, at a seminar. Like rolling with water...

Lucky bastards.


You're Gordon Hester, right? If I recall correctly, you are friends of the family and have known Rickson for quite some time.

I've never met Rickson, but the first hand accounts I've heard from people who are very close to the family, like Fabio Santos, leave little doubt in my mind as to the quality of his jiu jitsu. "On another level" is a common sentiment describing a very uncommon talent.

I remember watching Rickson's match with Rigan Machado years ago with Fabio on VHS. I remember Fabio shaking his head, saying "How is anyone supposed to score this match?" Fabio is, of course, as knowledgeable in jiu jitsu as they come; but watching these two rolling - the fluid transitions, escapes, partial reversals flowing into unique positions...it was an absolute treat to watch.

Thanks for posting.

I tried to shake his hand after the seminar...Couldnt even grab hold. Pure waters imo..

The question is why he is so good?

Just talent?
Different techniques than others?
Different training methods?

Talent is the primary ingredient. He just understands BJJ better than all but a few. And he's much stronger than some others who may understand it nearly as well (Royler)

tim credeur who was on the carlson team once posted here about rolling with rickson after filho made those comments about getting fucked up by rickson. the credeur post was probably the best one ive read and definitively put the rickson is a myth idea to bed.

'i have rolled with both eddie & rickson and i can honestly say that eddie has a higher percentage of tapping me than rickson.'

Please don't mistake Rickson being nice and rolling to your level for a lack of ability or weakness.


 I'll be happy to share my opinion on why.  I think's understand and appplication of the fundamentals of BJJ are at a higher level than anyone else, especially when it comes to "base".  From this understanding, he can create techniques and capitalize on anyone's mistakes the first time they make one.  If you had Rickson sit down and explain any technique you asked him about, you would probably better understand how his mind process BJJ.  The details and depth of his understanding is beyond comprehension.

  Second, I think Rickson has the mind and body to go along with the nature talents.  Rickson is mentally strong.  He has way to deal with any type of mental chaos so he can deal with any situation that occurs in a fight.  I remember discussing with him his fight with Funaki when he was poked in the eye.  He mentioned he had difficulty seeing out of both eyes right afterwards.  I rememeber asking how scary it was for him when he was in that state.  He went on to explain that he remained calm, dealt with the situation, and continued to move forward to win the fight (even with a broken orbital).

  Physically, Rickson is a specimen.  He is flexible, has incredible cardio, and has genetic features to compliment his BJJ skills.  He has incorporate so many aspects of physical training.  I actually watched Rickson train for almost an hour with a group of BJJ Black Belts that came in from Brazil.  Not only did he tap them all (many times) but I never saw him experience the least bit of physical exhaustion.  Even his breathing exercises are designed to help deal with the physical demands of his training.

  Finally, I think people forget that Rickson has been working all aspects of his game since he was a young boy.  He was great when none of us even heard about BJJ.  In my opinion, experience is always the best teacher.  Before the UFC, the was little exposure of BJJ to the world.  By that time, Rickson was doing it for over 30 years.  What is amazing is how Father time hasn't impacted him as much as others his age.  Even current champs are tapping to Rickson these days and I think Rickson is 48 years old.  In the end, I think all these factors are why he is the best in BJJ.

Gordon Hester

Rickson has tapped me out multiple times and I have never even met the man !

heres the tim credeur post i was talking about.

From: Timothy_Credeur FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT="
Date: 04/28/06 11:09 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
92 Total Posts Ignore User

I am no great anything. As a purple I heard all the bullshit about Rickson and I thought as many on my Team ( What the F$%* ).
How good can a guy really be. Coming from the Carlson Gracie Team I had wrestled with the best and I knew what the damn deal
was. I was smoking everyone in tournaments as a purple back then and I figuered of course I would get worked but
I was pretty legit and it could not have been that bad if I rolled with Rickson.
I mean what could he possibly do that I had not seen. I got a private, I waited about 2 months for it.

I got so fucked up when we finally rolled I questioned everything and I mean everything that I had ever learned or thought
about Jiu-Jitsu.
I am a Black Belt today under World Champion Rodrigo Medeiros ( Carlson Gracie / BJJ Revolution Team ) I fight regularly in
MMA and I have trained with any and everyone you could imagine.


Check me out on OTM or Sherdog. I am legit and this motherfucker is off the fucking charts. What Paulo said doesn't surprise
me in the least.
I don't mean to rant and I jock ride no man ever. I rarely ever post on this website or any other. I am just dropping a peice
of knowledge that I possess so the masses know that my experience was felt and my life was changed by a guy that felt
inhuman to roll with.

Tim Credeur
