Why does Jon Jones have a tattoo?

Chappie - 
Dan O'Connell - "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:28 (NKJV)

Why does the Vatican possess billions of dollars in gold and art artifacts and why are there multimillion dollar churches in the US when the bible decries materialism and monetary amassment. The obvious answer would be that Jones was either unaware of the biblical prohibition on tattoos or more likely simply disregarded biblical script like most self-proclaimed religious people do when the proscribed teachings don't comport with the manner in which they wish to live their lives.

the roman catholic church doesn't speak for all christians i don't think, and it's silly to imagine that all christians are hypocrites

it's fun to wax eloquent about the evils of the church and that's great and all, but the real problem you're having is ignoring what other people are telling you here

see what onlythestrongsurvive said and several others. they've offered opinions contrary to the biblical prohibition of tattoos for christians thing you mentioned and maybe you should address that.

or not, and talk about mma instead