Why is Barnett so special?

He has good sub defense, and he's a decent wrestler with shitty striking. Fedor puts him down with ease.



 His striking is shitty?

look up his record. Fedors biggest challenge yet imo, in fact i dont see how Fedor will win this.

 I know MMA math doesn't work, but Cro Cop toyed with him 2 times(3 times?).  And IIRC out grappled him as well.

1.He is a decent athlete- not claiming he is nfl quality, but definitely quick and agile a major plus at hwt

2. good wrestler

3. big guy- not that many guys are his height and not awkward

4. comes to fights in shape, good cardio

5. plenty of experience

6. Good game planner, barnett might be one of the most underrated gameplanners in mma. I think he is right on par with Randy

7. Solid grappling

8. Fight ending potential- can hit his leg locks from awkward positions and strong enough to knock guys out when lands a good shot

Because he is one of the best HWs in the world. 

Because he has a bad ass toy collection. A little hobby of his... collecting toys and such!

 good striker

ko'd rizzo

In Pride, the top of the Heavyweight Division food chain consisted of Fedor, Nog, Cro Cop, and Josh. Fedor already bead Nog and Cro Cop. Everyone just wants to see this last challenge from the old time Pride days.

he just is

Barnett is not really great at anything IMO. Mediocre striking, mediocre wrestling, pretty mediocre sub game actually. Look at his fight with Yvel. He's been outstruck by Nog, Aleksander, got beat by Crocop 3 times. The sad part is that for a HW, his skills are pretty top rank. If Josh was a welterweight, he would never get close to the champ level, but he is actually very skilled for a HW, so I mean mediocre in just the absolute skill. Relatively speaking, he is very good as a HW.

he is a good gameplanner, and is very intelligent though. The flipside to his mediocrity is actually that he doesn't have any discernable weaknesses. I don't see any way he can overwhelm fedor, but all it takes is one mistake and he could pull something out....

Barnett is very good, but I think he'd lose to a few of the guys in UFC. I think he's about on the same level as Gonzaga for comparsion purposes.. Except, Gonzaga beat Crocop. Barnett didn't.

RUSRedDevil - 1.He is a decent athlete- not claiming he is nfl quality, but definitely quick and agile a major plus at hwt

2. good wrestler

3. big guy- not that many guys are his height and not awkward

4. comes to fights in shape, good cardio

5. plenty of experience

6. Good game planner, barnett might be one of the most underrated gameplanners in mma. I think he is right on par with Randy

7. Solid grappling

8. Fight ending potential- can hit his leg locks from awkward positions and strong enough to knock guys out when lands a good shot

I agree with your points except for the last, he had a real difficult time finishing off Yvel, also not much chance he is going to pull off a leg lock on Fedor.

TeamRenzo -

I agree with your points except for the last, he had a real difficult time finishing off Yvel, also not much chance he is going to pull off a leg lock on Fedor.

Barnett's catch training generally teaches the importance of top game. Yvel was one of those lose/lose kinds of matches for him. Gilbert has obviously improved some since we had last seen him and is a big strong guy, but a hard fight to get up for and def one where it was not worth the risk giving up your safe dominant position.

TeamRenzo -
I agree with your points except for the last, he had a real difficult time finishing off Yvel, also not much chance he is going to pull off a leg lock on Fedor.

Yvel is a tough Fighter , Barnett having a hard time finishing him is a no brainer

eljamaiquino - Barnett is not really great at anything IMO. Mediocre striking, mediocre wrestling, pretty mediocre sub game actually. Look at his fight with Yvel. He's been outstruck by Nog, Aleksander, got beat by Crocop 3 times. The sad part is that for a HW, his skills are pretty top rank. If Josh was a welterweight, he would never get close to the champ level, but he is actually very skilled for a HW, so I mean mediocre in just the absolute skill. Relatively speaking, he is very good as a HW.

he is a good gameplanner, and is very intelligent though. The flipside to his mediocrity is actually that he doesn't have any discernable weaknesses. I don't see any way he can overwhelm fedor, but all it takes is one mistake and he could pull something out....

You see thats where you are mistaken, the technique in upperweights isn't lower, just much more conservative. It would be like if I gave you ten gallons of gas for your honda civic you could cruise around town all week and not have a care in the world, if I gave you ten gallons for your suburban you would have to carefully plans your trips for the week to make sure you had enough to make it to work on friday..... same thing with upper weight fighting. they can do basically all the moves/movement a lightweight can do, they just cant make it five rounds doing that. Lightweight wrestlers used to always complain to the heavyweights that they never shot, the heavyweights response was I would I could get away with taking sloppy shots like you guys and scramble my way out of it, but if he sprawls on me I'm a gonner, heavyweights have to attack when they are certain, leading to a more conservative pace, ya dig?

RUSRedDevil - You see thats where you are mistaken, the technique in upperweights isn't lower, just much more conservative. It would be like if I gave you ten gallons of gas for your honda civic you could cruise around town all week and not have a care in the world, if I gave you ten gallons for your suburban you would have to carefully plans your trips for the week to make sure you had enough to make it to work on friday..... same thing with upper weight fighting. they can do basically all the moves/movement a lightweight can do, they just cant make it five rounds doing that. Lightweight wrestlers used to always complain to the heavyweights that they never shot, the heavyweights response was I would I could get away with taking sloppy shots like you guys and scramble my way out of it, but if he sprawls on me I'm a gonner, heavyweights have to attack when they are certain, leading to a more conservative pace, ya dig?
Love the metaphor! As a heavyweight former amateur fighter, VTFU!
Magic8 - 
Soup and Beer -  I know MMA math doesn't work, but Cro Cop toyed with him 2 times(3 times?).  And IIRC out grappled him as well.

 Josh hadn't fought in a year going into that second fight in which he outstruck Cro Cop.   And the third fight took place at the end of a tournament which Josh had by far the toughest road through, and Mirko had by far the easiest.   

And you're a jackass.
Not to mention the first "loss" was a fluke injury when he took Cro Cop down. The 2nd fight Barnett looked out of shape, even for him (he tends to look "soft" even when in shape). I do believe Cro Cop has Josh's number, but I believe it is closer than the 0 for 3 shows.

Barnett is great because he is a threat everywhere, offensive and defensive wrestling, BJJ, and kickboxing, has excellent cardio and killer instinct. If Barnett is anything more than 2:1 underdog vs Fedor, bet the bank.