Why is this person considered an "MMA" Journalist?

Erik Apple -

We should all tweet @zidansports

Tell him to get the fuck out of our sport

Lol you righties sure do love cancel culture

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lol, this place is still as stupid as ever.

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inf0 - 

a little left perspective is needed with all you neonazi and Trumpers round these parts can atest to

Says the white liberal/democrat.

LOL, the left is the party of the KKK, slavery and segregation…

The left is a party now?

If you multiply your IQ by itself, does the resulting number actually hit three digits?


LMAO @ lefty retards not knowing what cancel culture is

Cancel culture is when the host of The Bachelor is asked in an interview about a contestant wearing an old south dress and says "I don't know, maybe it isn't the best thing in the world, but should we really smear her entire character over it? Maybe some grace and forgiveness wouldn't be bad.", and that guy is attacked by a roving mob because he didn't immediately condemn the girl as an evil racist white supremacist. He gave a fairly level headed perspective, and that is so offensive to leftists that they made it a mission to destroy his life. 

That is cancel culture. If you express 1 thought that anyone should ever be forgiven for a minor transgression in their past, you also get thrown into the prison camp. And if someone says that person who offered compassion was imprisoned unfairly? Lock them up as well. And their extended families. Everyone is cancelled. Your allegiance is to the state, err, I mean the mob. Join us or be destroyed.

That is a far cry from saying a shitty writer who can't express a single thought without injecting his faggy ass political agenda into it should go the fuck away. Nobody is doxing him or saying he needs to be dismissed from society. Just stop pretending you're an MMA writer. Either cover the sport like a real journalist, or go push your loser mentality wokeist bullshit somewhere that it's wanted.

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I can't wait for his article about this place...lol

Gennady Goblin -

LMAO @ lefty retards not knowing what cancel culture is

Cancel culture is when the host of The Bachelor is asked in an interview about a contestant wearing an old south dress and says "I don't know, maybe it isn't the best thing in the world, but should we really smear her entire character over it? Maybe some grace and forgiveness wouldn't be bad.", and that guy is attacked by a roving mob because he didn't immediately condemn the girl as an evil racist white supremacist. He gave a fairly level headed perspective, and that is so offensive to leftists that they made it a mission to destroy his life. 

That is cancel culture. If you express 1 thought that anyone should ever be forgiven for a minor transgression in their past, you also get thrown into the prison camp. And if someone says that person who offered compassion was imprisoned unfairly? Lock them up as well. And their extended families. Everyone is cancelled. Your allegiance is to the state, err, I mean the mob. Join us or be destroyed.

That is a far cry from saying a shitty writer who can't express a single thought without injecting his faggy ass political agenda into it should go the fuck away. Nobody is doxing him or saying he needs to be dismissed from society. Just stop pretending you're an MMA writer. Either cover the sport like a real journalist, or go push your loser mentality wokeist bullshit somewhere that it's wanted.

Nailed it.

Smilin like Rashad -

I can't wait for his article about this place...lol

I Hope he writes about me specifically. He cant cancel me because I dont give a fuck. And the woke pussies cant touch my business either

Gennady Goblin -

LMAO @ lefty retards not knowing what cancel culture is

Cancel culture is when the host of The Bachelor is asked in an interview about a contestant wearing an old south dress and says "I don't know, maybe it isn't the best thing in the world, but should we really smear her entire character over it? Maybe some grace and forgiveness wouldn't be bad.", and that guy is attacked by a roving mob because he didn't immediately condemn the girl as an evil racist white supremacist. He gave a fairly level headed perspective, and that is so offensive to leftists that they made it a mission to destroy his life. 

That is cancel culture. If you express 1 thought that anyone should ever be forgiven for a minor transgression in their past, you also get thrown into the prison camp. And if someone says that person who offered compassion was imprisoned unfairly? Lock them up as well. And their extended families. Everyone is cancelled. Your allegiance is to the state, err, I mean the mob. Join us or be destroyed.

That is a far cry from saying a shitty writer who can't express a single thought without injecting his faggy ass political agenda into it should go the fuck away. Nobody is doxing him or saying he needs to be dismissed from society. Just stop pretending you're an MMA writer. Either cover the sport like a real journalist, or go push your loser mentality wokeist bullshit somewhere that it's wanted.

This is a better thought out post of how I feel

56sav -

Guys, SB Nation is owned by Vox Media, which by all media ratings is a leftist organization. It's no surprise they'd hire someone like this to "fix" the problems our sport has. Here's an excerpt from one such rating's site: 

Vox media bias rating is Left.

Vox has a Left media bias. In Sept. 2018, the AllSides team conducted an extensive editorial review and decided to shift Vox from a Lean Left to a Left media bias rating.

The AllSides team found that Vox consistently writes favorably about Left-leaning policies and never includes a Right-leaning perspective. Articles on Vox.com have tied President Trump to fascism, and its "Explainers" section almost never includes Right-leaning opinions or viewpoints. Vox's Explainers provide only one side of an issue, making it seem as if the information provided is all readers need to know, when in reality, Right-leaning individuals would likely include other facts or make different points about the topic. This prevents readers from getting a holistic understanding of the highlighted issues.

AllSides notes that Vox often frames news and issues as if the Left perspective is the only perspective, and its hard news articles include commentary that is subjective in nature. Vox often blurs the line between news and editorial. One AllSides team member noted Vox "seems like advocacy outlet for the Democratic Party, showing all the "news" you'd like to hear as a Democrat."

Nailed it. The left plays the long game. They're invested in culture. And politics is downstream of culture. Building up a media empire is a way for them to infiltrate and influence MMA (which by it's nature leans right).

If you don't believe me, look at video games, tech journalism, comics, and sci-fi. Those are areas they've already infested and taken over.

Erik Apple -
Believeit -
Erik Apple -

We should all tweet @zidansports

Tell him to get the fuck out of our sport

It's not your sport. It's as much his sport as it is yours. And besides, you weren't very good at "our sport." You failed at it.  

Your desperate jealousy is palpable

You will never be me, accept it dork

Jealousy of what? I would consider myself a loser if I switched places with you. The thought of it scares the hell out of me.

Erik Apple - 

NOTHING but anti white propaganda, bashing every fighter he can. Pushing the myth of white supremacy. 

Absolute nonsense. Fuck this guy

The myth of white supremacy? The myth? You’re just gonna go ahead and erase history now?

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Erik Apple - 

NOTHING but anti white propaganda, bashing every fighter he can. Pushing the myth of white supremacy. 

Absolute nonsense. Fuck this guy

The myth of white supremacy? The myth? You’re just gonna go ahead and erase history now?

So every media company, hiring manager, movie, song, etc is all BLM or anti male or anti white but somehow white supremacy is still considered a threat. Its insanity. 

White people commit very few crimes against non whites. 

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inf0 - 

a little left perspective is needed with all you neonazi and Trumpers round these parts can atest to

Says the white liberal/democrat.

LOL, the left is the party of the KKK, slavery and segregation…

Typical political parroting. Repeat what you heard elsewhere but don’t truly understand.

I suppose if you incorrectly equate modern Democrats With the old Southern Democrats you might have a point. That would require basic critical thinking skills, though. I understand that’s at a deficit on these forums.

I suppose I can help you start your research on the old Southern Democrats. They were Jacksonian democracts who later identified as republicans, which you are conveniently ignorant of, else you’d realize your handy-wavy point is shallow at best.

MMA Playwright - 
Wasa-B - OP still probably wears Affliction.

He may, but I wear KTFO Fight Gear.

I wear Jesus Never Tapped gear exclusively.

inf0 - 

a little left perspective is needed with all you neonazi and Trumpers round these parts can atest to

Says the white liberal/democrat.

LOL, the left is the party of the KKK, slavery and segregation…

You’re thinking of the Democratic party, which was, during the time you’re referencing, the right wing, conservative party.

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Altofsky -

Him and Elias should fuck on camera for LGBTQRS+- solidarity.

would bet money they already have

ShanTheMan - 
Erik Apple - 

NOTHING but anti white propaganda, bashing every fighter he can. Pushing the myth of white supremacy. 

Absolute nonsense. Fuck this guy

The myth of white supremacy? The myth? You’re just gonna go ahead and erase history now?

So every media company, hiring manager, movie, song, etc is all BLM or anti male or anti white but somehow white supremacy is still considered a threat. Its insanity. 

White people commit very few crimes against non whites. 

According to the FBI, yes, white supremacy is considered a significant threat. Y’all are like alcoholics who can’t even get past the first step of admitting the problem.

ShanTheMan - 
Erik Apple - 

NOTHING but anti white propaganda, bashing every fighter he can. Pushing the myth of white supremacy. 

Absolute nonsense. Fuck this guy

The myth of white supremacy? The myth? You’re just gonna go ahead and erase history now?

So every media company, hiring manager, movie, song, etc is all BLM or anti male or anti white but somehow white supremacy is still considered a threat. Its insanity. 

White people commit very few crimes against non whites. 

According to the FBI, yes, white supremacy is considered a significant threat. Y’all are like alcoholics who can’t even get past the first step of admitting the problem.

Is that the same group that concocted the Russia narrative that ended up being false…?


The fbi....the same fuckos that came up with this:  

Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols, FBI bulletin says


That’s right - these fuckwads wanted you to believe that every capitol was going to be attacked...even Hawaii and Alaska ya dumb fuck.


But what about Jorge Masvidal and his infatuation with Ayn Rand?

I get it that he doesn’t like the Castro Crime Family - neither do I; and I know all about the “coffin-like ‘drawer cells’” as the Reader’s Digest called them.

But it’s not a false dichotomy: Just because you don’t like communism doesn’t mean you have to love Social Darwinism.  What’s wrong with Sweden’s economic system?  Or Germany’s?  Or Japan’s?  Does the Swedish government own IKEA or Volvo?  Does the German government own Volkswagen or Siemens?  Does the Japanese government own Toyota or Nissan or Panasonic?