Why Tim Why?

"they see me rollin... they hatin"

buggs mcmulligan - Tim tested positive for Chipotle after the fight. Apparently there was more refried beans in his piss then there was piss.
hahaha. VTFU.

 Crocop's a free agent now

buggs mcmulligan - 
bonersaurus -  Crocop's a free agent now

Now THAT'S a fight I'd like to see!


Sure, why not?

A+ thread!!

 What are your thoughts on getting a Burrito Pride tat ala Velasquez? I know people to make this happen at no charge!

 Paul, were you and Tim scheduled to fight at 265? He came in at 311 lbs to fight Mercer and I was wondering he would have even been able to drop that much weight.

 Paul, I remember a while back you had a new catchphrase contest going on.  What ever happened with that?

 actually i think he did but his turkey neck covered it

edited for lack of noun


2JupitersTooMany - At least we got an answer to the question: "If Tim-ber gets knocked out in a show that nobody sees, can you still hear about it?"

I never got interviewed after the fight. I used it many a time on the free shows I air on my site that I do commentary on.

Paul, how do you see a fight with you and Brett Rogers going?? Specialized Happy Ending??

TTT for PB

better get ready for yvel, paul

 Respect from Paul. I regret, that so it has turned out with Tim.

Paul, I think if you asked for Mercer that fight would be epic!


You got to have the spinners

Hey Paul, can I fight you, I promise i will make you look as good as Tim made Mercer look.

 ttt for Paul back in the UFC!  You could fight Cain in a Brown on Brown crime card!

 I want to see a fight with Mercer...if Mercer wins he should get a title shot at Fedor.

Man can you imagine the UG if Mercer ran through all three with first round "flash" KO's.

This place would explode!!!

I'd give this place .003 seconds to mimic Dana's "fedor was overrated" talk.  haha