Why we love Jon Jones

D241 -
BostonCharm - 

This was delicious. How come you had to do a 180 and fuck it up?!?  Would’ve been so tastier if someone found this. 

  -the OG

I made the post back in 2011.  It is way easier to understand how someone can support Jon Jones and be a fan of his back then before all the shit he did happened.  


I actually made some random people who were arguing through a mutual friend's facebook post change their opinions on Jones.  They thought he was the greatest fighter ever and didn't think steroids played an effort o his success.  


If you speak to people with respect, and moreso put yourself in their shoes letting them know you originally agreed with them, but then share with them what happened that changed your mind, and why, many times they will listen to reason.  I can be pretty guillable at times and I admit I was one of the last people to not see through Jones' facade.

Good post man. Kind of funny looking back at your post but who knew?

Wall of text says what?


Real Muthaphuckkin G - 


I am normally really good at hitting the enter button.  Either this was a very rare slip or over the years the site's upgrades ran everything together.  Regardless, I 100% agree with you, don't fault you at all for pointing it out and I've edited the op to be easier to read.


Bottom line, Jon Jones had everything going for him and cheated his way to the top and will forever have that tied to him.


I meant to quote my original post and highlight in bold where I was wrong, but looks like I accidentally hit the edit button instead of the quote button.  My bad.