Will Keenan win or lose this weekend?

Keenan's guard is very good, but he plays it very loosely. Relies a lot on leg work and flexibility and often doesn't make use of good grips.

He lost, but he's good!

Marion Cobretti - The berimbola is a lighter weight class thing I believe. It gets smashed by big guys. Phone Post

He swept xande with it so I guess it does work. Phone Post

Marion Cobretti - 

The berimbola is a lighter weight class thing I believe. It gets smashed by big guys. Phone Post

Rodolfo, Galvao, Buchecha and Lovato all use this guard effectively when given an opportunity. I wouldn't say it gets smashed because an up and comer lost a couple of matches to some pretty high level guys.

I think a little more experience at these high levels and Keenan will be able to play his game just fine against these guys. No ordinary person just berimbolo's Xande, that was a legit point scoring sweep on a legend and still very active and competitor.

keenan vs rodolfo


keenan vs xande


elburrogrande - keenan vs xande


voted up! thanks

sick fights... thanks for embedding

Keenan's game has champ wriitten all over it!!!