Will staph kill BJJ?

that hot tub took alot of abuse

That girl took alot of abuse...

Yeah this is some serious shit. I use skin protectant before class, and I wash all the clothing I wore to the gym the minute I get home and call me paranoid, but I even clean the bottoms of my sneakers and take them off before tracking through the house. I have a wife and kids to worry about. I use tea tree/eucalyptus soap in the shower(there was a wrestling soap called Defense made of the same ingredients, but I found a cheaper one) I also make sure I clean my hands before walking in the house after class so I don't contaminate door knobs, etc. Yeah it's a little extreme, but it only takes an extra 10 minutes to do all those little things.

I'm still very concerned about passing staph to the girls I date. Has anyone ever heard of it being passed to a family member or sexual partner?

I dont know about Staph being passed to a girl, but I know a girl named Steph that we all passed around pretty good.

ttt for some pics of MRSA or the staph you have.

I have 'pimples' on the hairline that never leave. I have always had a clear complexion but now the skin problems seem to be here for good since I train BJJ and MMA regularly.




3 weeks off training from knee injury and 6 days of Vegas sun and my complexion is back to perfect!

Too much training=constant sweat on Neanderthal forehead.


I always wondered, for staph and ringworm...if exposed to it (from rolling with someone) how long do you have to shower before you get infected?

If you roll with someone in class, do you have to shower right away...or can you drive 45 minutes home or is that too long?

ttt and wash gi's and self EVERY day

I have been fighting with impetigo for about a month now. I dont know exactly where it came from but since it is a skin infection I will guess at the gym.

you know whats really gross?

putting the name of any skin infection into images.google.com

ok JKD_guy asked a question that I am interested in too, no schools closer than an hour from me, also let me make sure I get this right please correct me if I am wrong
Lever 2000 soap plus Head and Shoulders shampoo in the shower
some sort of foam? before puttin on gi
and wash my nasty Gi after every session no ifs and or buts
make sure the gym is clean.... did I miss anything?

"FUCKING WASH YOUR GIS!!!! Like after 2-3 classes. or at least Once a week."

That's disgusting. You need to wear a freshly washed gi every single day. If you rewear that thing at all, it's guaranteed that you stink to all hell and are a walking petri dish.

Rhyner, that is correct.

Staph is everywhere all the time. There is probably more staph on you keyboard than in your whole gym. Use soap, wear band-aids, wash you clothes and your mats. It's not rocket science.

Wash your gis after every practice you fucking filthy mongrels.

I'll share my story, because it's relevant. Keep in mind though, that this is purely anecdotal, so as far as the likelihood of another BJJ'er catching it, it proves nothing.

I train in BJJ and Judo. I pretty much train gi-only. Last December, the Sunday before Christmas, I was putting on a gi to go get some Judo training in. I noticed what looked like a little pimple on left knee. I didn't think anything of it.

The next day, the skin around the pimple was bright red, about baseball sized in diameter. My knee was starting to get sore, and it hurt a little to walk. I still thought it was just some kind of bug bite.

By Wednesday, my leg was bright red from mid thigh to my calf, and pretty swollen. It hurt really bad to stand up or put any weight on the leg. I went and saw the doctor that afternoon. Fortunately for me, the PA who saw me has a son on a wrestling team. She asked about my hobbies and when I told her BJJ and Judo, she immediately suspected MRSA and put me on antibiotics right away.

Unfortunately, I waited a bit too long. That Friday night, I told my wife that she had to take me to the urgent care center the next morning. I couldn't walk or stand. My leg was bright red and swollen from my groin to my ankle. It was so swollen that even in long pants, people asked me "WTF is wrong with your leg?"

At the urgent care center on Sat, the 23rd, the doc took one look at my leg and said, "Sorry, we can't help you here. You have to go to the ER."

So off we went to the ER. I was given two percocets, and a dose of morphine. The spot on my knee was like this giant pimple with pus coming out of it at this point.

The doctor numbed the area with lidocaine injections and then cut it open to drain it. The thing is though, once flesh becomes that inflamed, it's very hard to numb the nerves and it HURT LIKE HELL. They drained the lump and packed it with a ribbon of gauze with about an inch hanging out so it could drain.

Two days later, on Christmas day, I was back in the ER to repeat the whole process. I was on two different antibiotics and lots of percocet.

The swelling and redness finally started going away after a week or so. It was weeks before my leg returned to normal.

Now here's the thing: at our BJJ school, we mop the mats with bleach every single time we train. We alll wash our gi's every time we train.

So we are a pretty clean place.

Another guy at our school had gotten MRSA a month or so before I did, and it got into his bloodstream and nearly killed him.

This stuff is no joke. Make sure you put tape over every open wound or pimple every time you train. Wash your hands before and after training. Don't train if you have any kind of bug at all.

You don't want to mess with this.

have to agree that staph is nasty. i got the worm and staph at the same
time. went to the doc and immediately got put on TWO anti biotics and
given a prescription antifungal. i love to roll but his shit makes me think
twice. doc said the MRSA staph infections were on the rise. nasty shit.


"The new germs don't have to be smarter than our scientists, just faster than our lawyers."
