WMMA Discussion Thread

Karnak - Sunkist1207

Ok, so if that's truly the case, and Cyborg really has a prominent future for the UFC brand (lol yeah, right..); shouldn't Zuffa ask her to fight in Reebok gear, take away the few in cage sponsors she has, and demand compliance with the drug testing which is about to be enforced on everybody actually fighting on UFC cards too..?

Oh wait, with a host of fighters having issues with Reebok's rushed cut and paste job of Zuffa's 600 fighter list, the silence on both sides regarding Cyborg's UFC kit, is all rather deafening, no?

Sorry, but leeching long con Zuffa money, fighting in Invicta, doesn't make this anything like a Giblert Melendez scenario.




Come come now, the drug testing has not been an issue because Cris has passed every  test since the one she failed in 2011 so I am sure she will have no problem complying. The fine print of the UFC/Cris Cyborg contract has not been made public but the UFC chose  to give Reebok the go ahead to add her jersey to the Reebok site so.....

I cannot speak for her but I am not sure if Cris knows she has a jersey on the Reebok site, she is busy cutting weight and getting ready for her fight on Thursday. I am sure she will deal with this after, if she chooses to

Billboard in Vegas

Sunkist1207 -

Billboard in Vegas

I saw that last week. Wish I was in town Phone Post 3.0

Herica Tiburcio on her way to Vegas to defend her title on the 9th July

Jessica Rose Clark and Faith Van Duin on their way to Vegas  for their fights on the 9th July

Jessica will face Pannie Kizard and Faith will face  Cris Cyborg


"The Champ is here"...Team Cyborg have arrived in Vegas: Rob Emerson, Ivan Carmosino, Sports physioptherapist/Personal Trainer and Rafael Justino- Cris Cyborgs brother


Karnak - Sunkist1207

LOL, yeah, because Zuffa went out of there way, to specifically talk about Cyborg's UFC jersey... as we can all imagine her name being a real topic of discussion, in the run up to getting this Reebok stuff up and running for the hundreds of fighters on the UFC roster lol.

I know people want to build the narrative of Cyborg somehow being important to the UFC, but what she leveraged in order to get a contract with Zuffa, will only mean her opinion have zero value
to the UFC's work with Reebok right now. I mean seriously, do you think she had any in put to how these kit's will look in the near future..?

The last thing she'll want to do, is bring further unwanted spotlight on the bullshit of the Zuffa contract, most likely being predicated on a lie; the lie being she'll never fight more than once in the UFC, surely making talk of her and this Reebok stuff nothing more than a novelty.




With respect, I think you misunderstood what I wrote. Zuffa gave the go ahead for a Cris Cyborg Jersey to be on the Reebok website because she is paid by Zuffa


Karnak- I know people want to build the narrative of Cyborg somehow being important to the UFC, but what she leveraged in order to get a contract with Zuffa, will only mean her opinion have zero value

The last thing she'll want to do, is bring further unwanted spotlight on the bullshit of the Zuffa contract, most likely being predicated on a lie; the lie being she'll never fight more than once in the UFC, surely making talk of her and this Reebok stuff nothing more than a novelty.

It appears as though you are privvy to the contractual negotiations between Cris and Zuffa because you are making bold statements on what has not been made poublic knowledge. If Zuffa didnt want Cris and all the "unwanted spotlight" you assume she will bring to the company, why would Lorenzo pursue her to sign a contract?Why now considering for the last two years Dana has said some pretty disrepsectful thing about Cris? Why did the siging coincide with Bellator creating their FW division? If you don't mind me asking,  Where is the evidence that the contract Cris signed is for a considerable amount of fights and not just one or two and Where is the lie?

Sunkist1207 - 

Jessica Rose Clark and Faith Van Duin on their way to Vegas  for their fights on the 9th July

Jessica will face Pannie Kizard and Faith will face  Cris Cyborg


I like Jessie's hair... too bad she's going to get steamrolled by the Just Bleed Queen.

Karnak - Sunkist1207

Firstly, she's playing a long con game, obtaining big money, to have a number of fights in another organisation. This in any rational discussion, not making her a genuine UFC fighter.

This means when Reebok took a list from Zuffa, featuring the names of every single contractor they need to put on their internet stores new mock up's; beyond the simple copy and paste of that list, there's going to be ZERO interaction between Zuffa and Reebok, concerning anything about Cyborg's place in the promotion's future.

Secondly, I don't need to know the small print of a Zuffa contract, which is so blatantly built around clear as daylight factors, many a novice MMA fan wouldn't exactly need a law degree to understand it.

We're seeing one person being payed silly money here, but only to make 135, and face Rousey. Take away Rousey, and your not seeing the 145 women's champion earning anything close to 100k a fight, by headlining fightpass cards for Invicta, or Spike cards with Bellator.

It's a highly profitable parasitic existence she's carved out for herself, but it ends soon, and there's no way Dana and Lorenzo agree to being played like a piano, beyond the time line of this one off, random kind of deal.

It's a highly profitable parasitic existence


Disrespectful dont you think? You whole arguement is based around that fact that Cris is holding onto the UFC for relevence when its clear as night and day that the UFC went to Cris to negotiate a contract. With respect this appears to be a concept you are having difficulty grasping or maybe dont want to, at this point, I am not sure. 

Karnak- Take away Rousey, and your not seeing the 145 women's champion earning anything close to 100k a fight, by headlining fightpass cards for Invicta, or Spike cards with Bellator.


Not really sure how Ronda is a factor here  when what you stated above is the case for every single female fighter currently signed to the UFC.  Scott Coker has said and I did provide evidence earlier in this thread that Bellator have a budget to sign any Athlete they want and I am sure they would have paid Cris very well if she chose to go there so your argument is baseless as you have nothing to prove otherwise


 Karnak- there's no way Dana and Lorenzo agree to being played like a piano, beyond the time line of this one off, random kind of deal.

I think you will find that Lorenzo disagrees with you. Dana and Lorenzo are business men, I am sure they are aware of the risks involved in signing Cris to the UFC knowing that she has never competed at 135 and probably never will but obviously it is a risk they are willing to take  so that Cris doesnt go to Bellator. 

According to this thread created by Chromium


It appears as though the UFC has released the following female fighters

Jessica Rakoczy (0-2 UFC record) 33-3 Boxing

Lisa Ellis (0-2 UFC record) 15-10 MMA


Jessica is an interesting one. In my opinion, she was probably one of the favorites to win TUF because of her boxing background but Julianna Pena wrote the blue print on how to beat her. I am not sure if Holly Holm will go in the same direction once she faces someone with a strong ground game. Some like Marion Reneu who will face Holly on the 15th July . Raquel Pennington who fought both and in my opinon beat both  proved that even in the stand up, they can be beaten. 

Lisa, Ive mentioned before that in my opinon, she is too small for SW. I dont think either should retire. I would like to see Rackozy at 125 in Invicta and Lisa in 105

Good luck to both fighters

For the post above

Jessica Rakoczy (0-2 UFC record) 33-3 Boxing



Lisa Ellis (0-2 UFC record) 15-10 MMA


Marina Shafir in Vegas and ready for her fight on the 9th July

Ronda getting ready to face Beth Correia on Aug 1st





Megan Anderson, 4-1 Australian FW who was recently signed by Invicta

Invicta Media Day

Marina Shafir and Shayna Bazsler- Is Shayna back in Invicta?

Amy Montenegro


Amber Leibrock



The guy in black is upset about something

Credit MMA_Jim on Twitter



The Champs are here

Amber Brown


Jessica Rose Clarke

Tonya Evinger

Karnak - Sunkist1207

No, she's not holding on to the UFC for relevance, she's using the constant lie of fighting more the once at 135, and having any association with the star power of Rousey, to keep hold of any wider relevance.

Everybody knows about UFC 157, and any novice could see the nature behind Zuffa coming back a few years later, around the same time they went to work for the likes of Cro Cop, just to stick a middle finger in the face of an aspiring rival like Bellator too.

So Cyborg has a value, but it's nothing like what you suggest it is in the current landscape of MMA. And HAHA! Any idea Bellator would pay Cyborg 100k a fight, is pure fantasy. Do you read what they pay there? And we're talking about Cyborg, somebody who's never been a draw based on their own name value either.

Without a Rousey being around, who's a 145 Cyborg going to attach her name to in order to generate 100k per fight... Tate, Zingano, Holm...? Please, nobody want's to see those women deal with that catchweight/no catchweight nonsense, and no promoter would pay her to crush cans at 145, on the promise she drop weight to fight in one their promotions only two female weight classes some day either; this is clearly all about fighting Rousey.

WMMA's growing commercial drawing power, and WMMA's general stability in the UFC too, there's only been a steady momentum in the decreasing value of Cyborg's presence in the UFC. The hardcore bubble will say different, but you honestly think Fox, Reebok, or any high profile affiliate with the UFC, give a damn about what Cyborg's doing lol.

she's using the constant lie of fighting more the once at 135,


If you dont mind, please provide the evidence of what you are alledging above

Thanks in advance

Karnak-  there's only been a steady momentum in the decreasing value of Cyborg's presence in the UFC. 


Please provide evidence of this because the last time I checked, Lorenzo went to Cris to negotiate a contract with her and several fans have said they are not intersted in Ronda fighting anyone but Cris. Even Dana White himself said that Cyborg vs Rousey will do $2M PPV whether that figure is accurate or not who knows but that fight will be the biggest in recent WMMA history 


DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
Karnak - 
DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
Karnak - Sunkist1207

Firstly, she's playing a long con game, obtaining big money, to have a number of fights in another organisation. This in any rational discussion, not making her a genuine UFC fighter.

This means when Reebok took a list from Zuffa, featuring the names of every single contractor they need to put on their internet stores new mock up's; beyond the simple copy and paste of that list, there's going to be ZERO interaction between Zuffa and Reebok, concerning anything about Cyborg's place in the promotion's future.

Secondly, I don't need to know the small print of a Zuffa contract, which is so blatantly built around clear as daylight factors, many a novice MMA fan wouldn't exactly need a law degree to understand it.

We're seeing one person being payed silly money here, but only to make 135, and face Rousey. Take away Rousey, and your not seeing the 145 women's champion earning anything close to 100k a fight, by headlining fightpass cards for Invicta, or Spike cards with Bellator.

It's a highly profitable parasitic existence she's carved out for herself, but it ends soon, and there's no way Dana and Lorenzo agree to being played like a piano, beyond the time line of this one off, random kind of deal.

"highly profitable parasitic existence..."  you've got personal issues, buddy.  

Parasitic? this is not the utility company, it's the entertainment industry.  Most employees of a utility make okay money and can make the rent and maybe save a little bit.

With MMA, a few dozen fighters make real money off fighting, and the rest lose money in the long run.  It's a "winner take all" economy, a completely different realm than ordinary economic pursuits.  It's entertainment, personality based, morally suspect (if someone gets knocked unconscious in a parking lot we'd be calling the police...in the ring, if someone is concussed, we cheer and slow motion replay it) .  UFC and MMA will always have a shaky future/

As far as Cyborg, and her deal with ReebokUFC?  

Every single fighter is on their own in this scramble for money.  If any one of them gets a large share, gets a good deal for his or her self, you should be happy.

So hold on... I'm supposed to root for this kind of nonsense, because a particular fighter who's already cheated her way to the front of the line once, has found another loop hole in successfully cheating the system again.. HUH?

Look, all these chicks doing MMA now are scrambling to maximise their financial potential, but there's a big difference between rooting for individuals hard work, versus rooting for somebody constantly searching for the easy route; and no way am I rooting for one person who's constantly picking the second option here.

I see Cyborg, I see the very definition of a parasite. Living off another women's star billing, the grind of other women's accomplishments, and sucks money out of the still precarious female side of the sport, without ever bringing anything positive back to it too.

Why should I play along with her bullshit making sense anymore? Zuffa would be better served splitting her 100k to fight at 135 payday's, between the real future of WMMA on Invicta's cards.

Cyborg is a funny case.  A physicality like no other, a drug stain in her past, a star that won't fight her and only cans who will (sorry faith, you're doomed!)

The only woman who could beat her won't fight her.

You're exactly right - cyborg could potentially ruin several Invicta cards a year  by slurping $90,000 at a time away when, yes, they could have the 14 fight cards of the old days

I think Shannon and Julie if they have any business sense would reduce Cyborg's win money next time.

Or who knows...i don' t know...whatev



I think Shannon and Julie if they have any business sense would reduce Cyborg's win money next time.





Cris Cyborgs fight purse does not come out of the Invicta pot. Her checks are signed by Zuffa

Catherine Costigan


Jamie Moyle