You know who I'm talking about...The fighters, champions, and legends that we all love...The pillars of this sport. The very reason we fell in love with this thing...Would they have been champions if they never juiced ?
Would Mark Coleman and Vanderlei Silva been famous world renowned champions and beloved fighters if they fought their entire careers clean ? Would we even be talking about them ?
Would you guys have really preferred the history of the sport to be 100% clean ? What about the best era of pro boxing (80,90s), or all of K-1 history for that matter? Those fighters and those fights would simply NOT have looked the same... Better show and product if they were 100% clean ?
Woud you have preferred The Lion's den, Team Militech, Hammer House, Brazilian Top team, American Top Team, etc to have all been clean fighters and for history to play out that way ?
Would the sport's history be less exciting ? Would the champions have all been different ? Jiu Jitsu and wrestling less dominant since soooooooo many Jiu Jitsu and wrestling fighters were JUUUUUUICED up the ears ?
Would Coleman and Kerr have made the Olympic Team ? Would they have made an impact in NHB/MMA at all ?
Would they have been champs ?
First, Coleman for sure no. He was barely there with juice. Most overrated legend of all time in my opinion. He did some history worthy stuff in the leather helmet era of mma but for the majority of his carreer he was gassing out and getting subbed or head kicked via Pete Williams.
Coleman and Kerr were about 50% products of the laboratory, and 50% of the gym, they wouldn't have stood a chance whatsoever without steroids.
There's a guy called BJ Penn though. He dropped roiders like it was going out of
So it's safe to say that Moti Horenstein may well have kicked the ever living shit out of a clean Coleman or Kerr ?
Vanderlei would be a 170lber after weight cut ?
Randleman would have just been Melvin Gullard ?
Would Barry Bonds have hit all those jacks? We will never know...
Kerr probably would have been better clean. He'd be healthier at least.
MO SMITH and NOG were!!! woo hoo!!
There was this badass Russian guy.. Fedor.
SimbaSpice -Would Barry Bonds have hit all those jacks? We will never know...
IMO Coleman sure looked a lot worse when he came back to the UFC and faced the newer testing policies. Course that could just been age I suppose.
CLINTK9 -bhealthy - MO SMITH and NOG were!!! woo hoo!!
theres a pic in grappling mag in an 04 monthly issue that has Fedor and Big Nog trading blows, Nog was RIPPED to the gills in this pic. Everyone I showed it too said Holy Shit. Either Nog workd out with weights HARDCORE in Pride or he was on somethin. NO DOUBT IN MY MIND AFTER SEEING THAT PIC!
Find this pic...Ive watched almost all Nog pride fights and never thought he looked particularly ripped or like a roider at all. You are also referring to a mid fight photo when fighters have insane muscle pump from fighting.
Go look at pics from that fight....Nog doesn't look very jacked.
Nog weighed just 225 in the Pride HW GP, so he was much leaner than he was before or has been since.
IGOR!!!! 5 foot 8 no roids and lots of KOs true fighter
In Coleman's defense, I have to say he looked pretty good when he got his weight down.
Sakuraba would have done even crazier things if these guys weren't. And maybe he was too but he was a pack a day smoker and did not live a particularily healthy lifestyle and still beat HW's. So if he did roids I don't think they put him over the top like it did other guys.
Tiresias -
You are asking people with sentimental attachment to certain athletes/sport history if they would prefer if things had been different; but if things had been different, then we would have sentimental attachments to different athletes/history, and so people would be greatly offended in rejecting the idea of having had some steroid users replace them.
This is why we must strive for objectivity!
"theres a pic in grappling mag in an 04 monthly issue that has Fedor and Big Nog trading blows, Nog was RIPPED to the gills in this pic. Everyone I showed it too said Holy Shit. Either Nog workd out with weights HARDCORE in Pride or he was on somethin. NO DOUBT IN MY MIND AFTER SEEING THAT PIC!"
Youre talking about Nog/Fedor II where Nog has 6 straight months to prepare and got on a serious weight training regime. Dropped weight and looked super fast and fluid on the ground.
He didnt come back in that kind of shape EVER again after the No Contest happened.
The main prob with roiding is we'll never truly kno, and their rep is tarnished because of it, and rightfully so.
ChaosOverkill -Comes with the territory... Fixed fights, no drug tests, bonuses for losing... Pride fuck yea!
Sakuraba would have done even crazier things if these guys weren't. And maybe he was too but he was a pack a day smoker and did not live a particularily healthy lifestyle and still beat HW's. So if he did roids I don't think they put him over the top like it did other guys.

Motivated Penn - Coleman and Kerr were about 50% products of the laboratory, and 50% of the gym, they wouldn't have stood a chance whatsoever without steroids.I like you. There are two types of people. People who finish thoughts
There's a guy called BJ Penn though. He dropped roiders like it was going out of