Would you want to see me of TUF 15!?

Good luck Matt. Phone Post

I will be there for you........ When the rain starts to pour. I will be for you like I have been there before. I will be there for you because you are there for me, too. Phone Post

Sure why not?Get this man on TUF!

Glad to see you've kicked that nasty coke habit and turned your life around. Congrats!

TUF tryouts.. How do they work?

But I'm any case, best of luck Phone Post

Also....pics of Aniston or GTFO.

 welp you register wait around for about 8 hrs they call your group number you head into the room with joe silva and dana.  They call out two numbers and you grapple for two mins.  If they like you they call your name at the end and you move on to the striking portion where u hit mits with a trainer. If they call your name you move on to the interviews with the spike or fx execs

 Bags are packed flight is at 4 tomorrow!! Thanks for all the support guys!!

Matthew Perry -  Bags are packed flight is at 4 tomorrow!! Thanks for all the support guys!!

 Good luck, do not let Indy down....or the UG. Is Clingerman going with you? 


Matthew Perry -  Bags are packed flight is at 4 tomorrow!! Thanks for all the support guys!!

Good luck! Phone Post


Matthew Zachery Perry

Over 400 ppl here and I'm the only one wearing pink Bahaha its a sea of affliction and tapout and mo hawks lol

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You have your own promo shirt with a Care Bear on it? You have my vote sir. Care Bears kick ass.

Good luck

too late to the thread for a friends joke..

good luck!

Congrats and good luck with your training! Phone Post

 Hey guys great news!! Made it through all phases of the tryouts and had a great interview with the producers and execs of the show! Hopefully I get good news in the upcoming weeks!  Thanks for all the support!!

<blockquote>Matthew Perry -  Hey guys great news!! Made it through all phases of the tryouts and had a great interview with the producers and execs of the show! Hopefully I get good news in the upcoming weeks!  Thanks for all the support!!<br /></blockquote><br /><br /> Hope to see you on there

Matthew Perry -  Hey guys great news!! Made it through all phases of the tryouts and had a great interview with the producers and execs of the show! Hopefully I get good news in the upcoming weeks!  Thanks for all the support!!

 Awesome news man hope you make it!

Good job! I hope you get the call back.