WTF: CM Punk has Pepsi & "Straight Edge" Tattoos

Edited for me being wrong.

12SixElbow - Thats why I love tattoos, you get them for you, what you want, etc...


Some people. Others get them to belong in the group with the people getting them for themselves. Sweet Irony.

Before you'd get looks if had them, now in certain sub-cultures, you get looks if you don't.


1800champagne - Heroin addicts aren't junkies compared to people with Drug Free tattooed on their knuckles. Phone Post 3.0

Lol! I thought to myself, "Why does his hands say free drugs?"

His No Gimmicks Needed tattoo is amazing. Phone Post 3.0

... I mean technically Caffeine is a drug... Haha Phone Post 3.0

No Ragretts Phone Post 3.0

Lurkdaddy316 - Dude has tattoos of shit he likes. Would you rather he had some dragons and skulls with some daggers like an affliction shirt?

like the skull he has on his chest?

Why is a he a chode for getting that money? I'm assuming it's for sponsors Phone Post

OblongBox -

Pokemon ball imo Phone Post 3.0

it's an indian rubberball imo

Shy Guy - People are mad at his tattoos now? You guys fret and criticize the dumbest shit. Phone Post 3.0
Hi Punk. Phone Post 3.0


Trueman range - 
OblongBox -

Pokemon ball imo Phone Post 3.0

or a Patriotic yin and yang.

I back - Jeez. Guess I won't say anything negative about C.M. Punk or get VD 6x Phone Post 3.0
I vote up Phone Post 3.0

Happiness Bunny - He got a pepsi tattoo because coke don't pay him nothing.
Brock is the best. Phone Post 3.0

I got a Jolt Cola tattoo Phone Post 3.0

Right Hand JO Power - I got a Jolt Cola tattoo Phone Post 3.0
Tab tattoo ftw Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, caffeine is most def a drug.
one with addicting properties. Which is why a huge portion of the sxe community abstain from it !
In fact, Soda is just about the worst thing you can put into your body. Comparing soda cannabis is an act of futility. HFC shouldnt even be FDA approved and legal. it's literally toxic to your body.

So anyway, subjectivity aside, I thought the whole point OP was making was that hes an oblivious hypocrite. Which he is. If Ian mckay knew how toxic cola is during the 'milk' era, he wouldnt have drank that shit either and umbrella'd it under the sXe contraband list.

Instead, OP is just a whiny fucking twat looking for green arrows. Children shouldnt be allowed to fucking internet until theyre atleast 17.

Hitler didnt ingest caffeine. Ascetic bastard.

at least *

So Im just gonna leave that link there and hope some of you look and climb aboard :)

Now, about tattoos. I have a half sleeve, and I try to appreciate all the different types of body art. Some definitely are much worse than others. Aslong as someone his happy with their personal tattoos, that's what really matters. No?