WTF Shogun... why not sidestep the takedown???

iamrodhull - Game plan Shogun should have used:

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again! Phone Post 3.0
I don't even trane but that's exactly what I would have done. Phone Post 3.0

Blazing Knees - 
InspiritMick - Good point.

I like ice cream

I like turtles.

I love lamp.

Bro do you even side step? Phone Post 3.0

Let me sidestep, Bro! Phone Post

OP isnt afraid to ask the tough questions Phone Post 3.0

I think I met the op in the pub a few weeks ago Phone Post 3.0

<blockquote>Tiresias - <blockquote>Raezor19 - <p>
Wow ?? OP asked a question and you faggots shit on him.....why not educate him instead of being dicks ????That's why this forum is going for shit........and fuck you haters.........septembers coming get ready for school you whiny little fucks.....</p></blockquote>

Disproportionate Rage Man to the rescue! <img src="/images/phone/droid.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

</blockquote><br /> Fuckin hilarious - well done tire.. Funniest thread in a while imo

Sidestep=most under utilized weapon in MMA. The chance to nullify a wrestler's entire strategy, you'd think people would have caught on by now. Phone Post 3.0

I don't know if he could have pulled off the side step with his bum knees.

Now the barrel roll, THAT, he could have done. Phone Post 3.0

This could be the start of a new UG meme - why _____ didn't just sidestep ____.

Enquiring minds do want to know why Bisping didn't just sidestep that H Bomb... :-)

verdum - it is a good point tho, i cant tell you how many times i have seen a guy eating punches and im like wtf why do they just let themselves get hit...
Probably because you've never been hit for real... Phone Post 3.0

Chris's Weidman in Tom O'Butthole - lol @ "I have no training but would have just..." obvious troll. Phone Post

Trolling done right. Phone Post

Lol at that meme Phone Post

DatSpider -
Seats Taken - Shogun just read this, face palmed himself and went "my god! It's so obvious! Why didn't I just side step!"

Wandi just read read this and called Dana up and took the fight. OP unlocked the key to beating Chael for him.

Just sidestep for the win. Phone Post 3.0

You had think so, wouldn't you?

No,no,no.Don't underestimate Chael Sonnen. Surely, he will not make the same mistake twice. Wand will need OP's advanced couch-training.
My god. You're right. Chael is probably going to start sidestepping to counter the sidestep defense. Phone Post 3.0

The sidestep is likely the most underrated and under-utilized move in all of MMA, lets take a moment and review some of the landscape changing fights in MMA history and how the outcomes could be changed via the correct use of the sidestep.

Fedor Emelianenko vs. Fabricio Werdum

As Fedor pursues the apparently hurt Werdum to the ground, a sidestep can be observed early to avoid and submission threat, however carelessness and an inconsistency in sidestepping allows Werdum to counter and notch the win. Had Fedor sidestepped the second attempt, many analysts believe he would have finished the dangerous Werdum.

Anderson Silva vs. Chris Weidman

It is widely speculated that Sensei Seagal discovered the sidestep many years ago in meditation and was attempting to teach it to Anderson for his fight with Weidman. In the final moments of the fight, you can see Anderson attempt the sidestep, however he makes a fatal error and sidesteps with his upper body and not his lower body. Anderson is clipped and knocked out due to this. Had Anderson successfully stepped to the side , it is probable Weidman would have faded as the fight continued.
The model fight: and a great example of the sidestep can be seen in Kimbo Slice vs. Houston Alexander. Fight metric had Slice up on sidesteps over Alexander and it undoubtedly led to his victory. Phone Post 3.0

I should have side stepped this thread Phone Post

droploaf - 

I should have side stepped this thread Phone Post