XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

Look the fans that come to RFC even at the sun dome is still only 1/2 of what the XFC even pulled out of state. RFC only did like 1100 at the fairgrounds. It was dead. No one wants to fight where they are not going to be seen. It doesn't make any sense. Would you want to fight for RFC, in a tough fight and be seen by 1100 people or fight for XFC in a tough fight and be seen by over a million people nationwide. RFC has ZERO reach. These fighters need exposure. And it sure seems like XFC is giving it to them. I don't know if XFC will even want those guys??? There are much more talented guys from outside the area that will make for better TV. The guys from RFC have never been tested. In fact most have been protected. Probably more by their camps than the promotion but it seems like the talent pool with RFC is declining, just look at the last card. Terrible.

I just saw the XFC Regional Conflict event for the second time that was on HD Net and I am completely blown away. I had dinner with the XFC President tonight before seeing the show for the second time . As we were watching it I mentioned to him about the challenges going on regarding XFC and RFC potential matchups . He laughed and then said it will never happen. He said Joe and Jason seem like great guys but that is not the direction the XFC is going in was his reply so I just wanted to get the word out. It sounds like fun but no dice.

voices4ever - The RFC and Joe Valdez would never ban fighters from fighting in other organizations. He encourages to get experience and fight smart fights. The only thing that the XFC has over any mma org in FL is pay. My friend whom I cornered in the XFC was 2-0 and was paid 1000 show and 500 win. That is a lot for a newbie.

First, the XFC does not pay enough. Now they pay too much. Do you guys realize how stupid you sound. The XFC is at fault no matter what they do. Would it kill any of you to just say the truth. Let me help you. The XFC has become a dynamite MMA Organization that protects no one , including their own fighters.

Maybe someone can explain how a company also has it's own fighters! I don't think it's proper to promote a fight and have stake in a fighter or fighter's. HUMMMMMMMM

UFC doesn't have a stake in the fighter's on their promotion ? More nonsense from the uneducated. What planet do you live on

They are all signed by the UFC but train in their own gym but the XFC signs fighters and then they sign other fighters to train in the XFC gym. I wonder who they want to win, It's a joke and so is the XFC

throws popcorn in microwave

mmafan7 - They are all signed by the UFC but train in their own gym but the XFC signs fighters and then they sign other fighters to train in the XFC gym. I wonder who they want to win, It's a joke and so is the XFC

You are a joke my friend because you know very little of what you are talking about. Use the last Promotion that was live on HD Net as an example. Bruce Connors is signed by the XFC, he lost to Jarrod Card. C.T. Turner is signed and lost to Julio Gallegos. Derek Schiffer is signed and he lost to Jason Wood. The only signed fighter that won was Chris Barnett who was making his pro debut against John Ivey who had over 60 pro fights and had fought fighters that held belts in the UFC ( Chris Won) Hardly looks like a promotion that protects fighters.You don't know what you are talking about as usual.

 I don't train at XFC, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...

I can say from first hand experience that XFC doesn't protect their fighters. It appears to me they give them the toughest fights possible.

Sortilege -  I don't train at XFC, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...

I can say from first hand experience that XFC doesn't protect their fighters. It appears to me they give them the toughest fights possible.

It is a tremendous opportunity for the fighters and they know that they are competing against the best. The XFC is focused on giving the best product to the viewing audience. How would they benefit by protecting local fighters. When you hear this crap all the time it just reinforces that their is alot of jealousy out there because their facts are always wrong.

voices4ever - The only thing that the XFC has over any mma org in FL is pay.

Right! Well, that and drawing a larger crowd. And going to bigger venues. And appearing on national TV. And providing better exposure for young fighters. And bringing HDNet to Tampa. And doing a better job at publicizing their talent.

But other than that, everything else is pretty much equal, right?

Most of what you say is right! Fighters want to be on TV, want to be in front of a lot of fans. They don't care how they got in the show, with a comp ticket or paid 10 dollars and they shouldn't care. BUT
The XFC does care who wins and gets pissed when one of their own does not win. They should not even have fighters if they are promoting a show. Does the UFC or any other show care, of course they do but they don't manage and or train fighters.

mmafan7 - Most of what you say is right! Fighters want to be on TV, want to be in front of a lot of fans. They don't care how they got in the show, with a comp ticket or paid 10 dollars and they shouldn't care. BUT
The XFC does care who wins and gets pissed when one of their own does not win. They should not even have fighters if they are promoting a show. Does the UFC or any other show care, of course they do but they don't manage and or train fighters.

I think ALL promotions "care" about who wins and who loses, because ALL promotions have a vested interest in their most marketable matchups taking place. But by that same token, the NFL also "cares" who plays in the Super Bowl, because when popular teams from larger media markets are doing well in the playoffs, the TV ratings increase and they can command more money from the networks. Believe me, the NFL would MUCH rather have the Dallas Cowboys vs. the NY Jets in the Super Bowl than the Bucs vs. the Jaguars!

So I don't think the issue of "caring" is legitimate -- unless you can PROVE that the XFC or the NFL stacks the deck against certain opponents, or provides an unfair advantage to their favorites. And I haven't heard ANYONE make that argument. Instead, the opposite seems true: The XFC isn't protecting their fighters, they're continuing to work with fighters who do well -- even when they're beat an XFC fighter -- and I've seen zero evidence of any "fishy" officiating.

And the XFC should be applauded for that.


YOU know and I know that the XFC is a joke and all smoke and mirrors! they have there own fighters, they never donate to the charity they claim and even people inside the XFC have said they are a sham!

mmafan7 - YOU know and I know that the XFC is a joke and all smoke and mirrors! they have there own fighters, they never donate to the charity they claim and even people inside the XFC have said they are a sham!

Gee, I can't possible refute such an intelligent, well-reasoned rebuttal. Nicely played! I especially like how you attacked the XFC on the basis of their charitable contributions. Zing!

"I hate the XFC!"

"Why? They showcase Florida fighters, they appear on national TV, they compensate their fighters better than the so-called competition, and they provide their talent with a tremendous platform to build their careers. Isn't that a good thing?"

"Well... what about their CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS?! What about THAT, SMART GUY?!!"

Kudos, my friend! I haven't heard such a thoughtful counter-argument -- from a more brilliant debater -- since Dan Quayle left politics in '92.


(Next time, you might want to break the meds in half. Just saying.)

CRY me a river XFC! Yes they fight in front of many people and that is great. I have said all only it is great for the fighters but the XFC is scam and a sham! Like I said even XFC management have said it around town.Good luck XFC I wish you well but don't cry when your fighters lose and we all know you have and will do it again!

I don't hate the XFC at all and don't care one way or the other about them, RFC, WFC or any other FC around. Just be real and call a spade a spade. The XFC do have there own stable of fighters and it shouldn't be allowed to have fighters and promote a show.

Do they still donate to the Army? Did they ever? How can you donate money to charity when you lose your ass at every event? Last Florida show sold 412 tickets!

I actually have fought twice on the XFC card and have a few things to say on this....
1. The XFC has always treated the fighters very well (pay, hotel, friendly, etc) Hell the promoter took our team to get food so we didnt have to walk during a busy time in his schedule.

2. It is a large venue and who cares how they do it. My only concern is fighting and making money. As long as the promotion can support that we are good. I have seen the fights in the XFC and they are not always easy fights or hard fights, or good fights (every promotion has bad fights) but i think they are fair and thats all you can ask for, as a matter of fact thats all I want. i dont want to be protected...I want to fight the best to become the best. If Im not ready to fight someone i will say NO or take the risk if its worth it for my career

3. As it relates to gyms and fighters...Bruce is my team mate . He trains at Gracie Barra Orlando and is allowed to fight in other orginazations from what I understand in his contract. The UFC has had plans in the works to start UFC training facilities under the larger names within their long list of fighters. I think they would be stupid not to pull talent from this area as it is good for them and a drawing point for upcoming and future fighters. So the XFC has the same idea...Good for them...

4.Again the business side of this, here is only my concern
A. my pay increases and the checks dont bounce
B. my carreer makes an an improvement as I go and i get the exposure I need.

5. Joe and the RFC is a long running show in Florida (the longest I think). Joe puts on a great show and has had fighters from Pride, Elite XC, etc... I have been around long enough to know the promoters, camps, etc... I would model my promotion after the RFC,XFC UFC etc..They all appear to be doing well and have a sound business plan. There are great fighters and bad ones in every event. I think the market is large enough to offer something for everyone...If you dont like the XFC dont go!!! Same with the RFC... I look forward to RFC promotions and that show was why i started fighting.
As a fighter we want to fight,make money and ultimatley be known and respected as a fighter. That means we need a place to grow with good pay and career longevity...But as long as I can fight and get paid enough to reach my goals Im good...As a fan who cares...all you need to worry about is are you entertained by good fights and are the tickets affordable.
The rest of the talk is business related...promoters worried that one will over shadow the other...Its that whole my dad can beat your dad thing...I dont believe that the XFC will ever put the RFC out of business nor do they want to. The XFC has a plan (including Europe, etc...)from what Ive seen they will reach their goals. The RFC also has a plan, Im not sure of Joes goals but he has my admiration and has certainly acheived sucess with his promotion...

At the end of the day I just want to fight and get paid enough to retire when Im done. I dont care if the promotion kicks retarded kids in its off time or is the lagest donator to breast cancer...Also if they have their own fighters good for them...they are an opponent just like the rest...So screw the hate lets just train fight and enjoy the show. i hope all the promotions grow as large as the NFL or NBA...i would love that kind of money...

mmafan7 - CRY me a river XFC! Yes they fight in front of many people and that is great. I have said all only it is great for the fighters but the XFC is scam and a sham! Like I said even XFC management have said it around town.Good luck XFC I wish you well but don't cry when your fighters lose and we all know you have and will do it again!

The ironic thing is, the only one in here "crying" seems to be YOU. Hell, the XFC sure didn't look like they were crying when they were on national TV last weekend, announcing that Bobby Lashley will be competing on their next fight card. Didn't see too many tears rolling down their cheeks.

Nah, it sort of looked like they were grinning from ear to ear. But it MUST have all been a clever ruse! Oh, those cunning XFC bastards are always one step ahead!! Damn them all!!

Besides, I'm sure the ONLY reason Lashley is signing with the XFC is that he couldn't reserve a date at the Ala Carte Pavillion. (It's a very exclusive venue, you know.)

Seriously, though -- kudos on STILL attacking the XFC on their charitable contributions! WE DEMAND ANSWERS!!! OH YES, WE DEMAND ANSWERS!!! WE WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH IT, XFC!!!!

(I'm telling you, breaking the meds in half really might not be such a terrible idea. See what your court-appointed psychiatrist says about it.)

Plumbers Crack - I dont care if the promotion kicks retarded kids in its off time

But... I thought kicking retarded kids was what these message boards were for?

I thought the show on HDNET last weekend was entertaining. Although it certainly falls short of "One of the Best cards of all time" hype some on this thread are shoveling. I also think they deserve credit for making their way to HDNET and getting exposure to fighters. that is always a good thing.

I think what we can use less of is all the fake screeen names pretending to be casual fans coming to the defense of the XFC. mrNova, deepwater et al are all clearly XFC employees or owners so why pretend you are not? Its really quite lame.