XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

Gamebred - I think what we can use less of is all the fake screeen names pretending to be casual fans coming to the defense of the XFC. mrNova, deepwater et al are all clearly XFC employees or owners so why pretend you are not? Its really quite lame.

Wow! So, in addition to the XFC paying fighters more money than everyone else, they must ALSO be throwing bagfulls of cash to all the "employees" that post here! Of course!

It's ALL a conspiracy! Just like the moon landing! Someone notify Ron Paul IMMEDIATELY!

Quick -- hand me some aluminum foil so I can also make a hat that'll prevent the government from reading my brain!


Plumbers Crack you are the man.

What all fighters and Martial Artist want is for all the MMA promotions to do well. How are they going to pay my bills if they cant pay their own.
The more we can do to make the sport grow as well as the money in the sport grow the better it is for everyone.

XFC Staff! I'm very happy for you and you getting on TV, I really am! The more MMA on TV the better I like it but facts are facts and we all know what the XFC stands for and how the company is run. I would love to see any kind of donation check to any charity and the strip clubs are not a charity.

mmafan7 - XFC Staff! I'm very happy for you and you getting on TV, I really am! The more MMA on TV the better I like it but facts are facts and we all know what the XFC stands for and how the company is run. I would love to see any kind of donation check to any charity and the strip clubs are not a charity.

Strip Clubs, I thought we were talking about the XFC and not the WFC. Get a life . Have you ever heard the expression that when you are an ass you should remain quiet because once you start opening your mouth you remove all doubt. Gamebred , you and your boys have been doing the attacking for years. The XFC finally is responding and it bothers you. Too bad.

Are you kidding me! The XFC shows in tampa is like going to Strip Club. From the strip club announcer and the hooker dancers, come on!

mmafan7 - Are you kidding me! The XFC shows in tampa is like going to Strip Club.

Really? Well, let's look at this objectively: At the XFC shows, there are large, muscular men -- standing center stage, right under the lights -- that aren't wearing any shirts.

Dude, if that's ANYTHING like the strip clubs that YOU go to, then maybe you should be a little bit more selective with your free time.

Just saying.

And just for the record, I AM NOT homophobic!

I just don't understand how anyone can look at Johnathan Ivey and think "lap dance".

OK XFC staff member! You have strippers before the event, during the event and during every freaking intermission! Every mma fan have talked about the hookers you bring out

They arent hookers or strippers...The XFC buys them on the Black Market from Muslim extremist slave traders. Thats because they really give all their money to support the Taliban and lie to everyone saying they support the U.S. armed forces...BUt what they arent telling you is the overal plan...Muslims are really Scientologists(spelling oopps) and the XFC is making way for the second coming of XENU...So they give them to the winners of the fights as slaves but really they are aliens just waiting to take over (I think they have a direct line to Tom Cruise)...I got several this weekend in Tennessee and they are washing my clothes, bathing my dog and making me a chicken pot pie...Im not even typing--- this is all dictation...

Sorry I couldnt resist...Im a little bored not training and need an outlet for my sarcastic tendencies...I wont be commenting after Friday...

With what I know of the XFC and your staff, I see where some of that comes from!

mmafan7 -  You have strippers before the event, during the event and during every freaking intermission! Every mma fan have talked about the hookers you bring out

Y'know, if Hollywood ever films a remake of "Footloose", I hereby nominate you for the part of the Preacher who wouldn't let the high school kids dance. (Dancing is strictly prohibited in the Book of Revelations, people! The End Times ARE NOW!!! Repent before it's too late!!)

Either way, I've definitely learned a LOT just by reading this thread: Sure, the XFC might pay fighters more money, provide a much better platform for them to compete, be able to showcase these fighters on national TV, have events at larger venues, draw bigger crowds, and generate more publicity for these young fighters... but BY GAWD, they don't donate enough money to charity, they're secretly controlled by Muslim extremists, and people who frequent all-male strip clubs WILL NOT like the card girls!

(Besides, girls are "icky" -- right?)

Jesus dude how fing slow are you? I said it is great for the fighters but most fans hate the XFC shows. Most of the fights have a been a joke as well, sloppy and mismatched.
The fighters should not care that most people get in for FREE and I think free is awesome! FREE tixs and FREE Tv rocks.
As for the dancers and hookers, I love them- just not after every fight. The charity is thing is a joke and if you didn't claim you donated it wouldn't matter but YOU do!

mmafan7 - Jesus dude how fing slow are you? I said it is great for the fighters but most fans hate the XFC shows. Most of the fights have a been a joke as well, sloppy and mismatched.
The fighters should not care that most people get in for FREE and I think free is awesome! FREE tixs and FREE Tv rocks.
As for the dancers and hookers, I love them- just not after every fight. The charity is thing is a joke and if you didn't claim you donated it wouldn't matter but YOU do!

The XFC has donated to the Charity ( S.O.W.F.) you lame ass. Check with them and you will find out. The XFC has also been the number one sponsor on MacDill AFB for 3 years. We don't do good and brag about it. We just do what is right which is why if you serve or have served you get free admission to their events. What have you ever done for the people who serve. As I stated before you are a complete Jerk off and now everyone knows by reading these threads. Does anything come out of your mouth that is true or makes sense.

mmafan7 - As for the dancers and hookers, I love them- just not after every fight.

Really? When, specifically, do you normally "love" your hooker? And how much does he normally charge you?

(Not that I'm judging you. I'm pretty libertarian in my beliefs -- and whatever consenting adults and/or a gerbil want to do in the privacy of their own home is NONE of my business. You go, girl!)

deepwater -  Does anything come out of your mouth that is true or makes sense.

Um... I don't think you really WANT to know everything that comes in, out, and all around his mouth. >shudder<

Either way, he's really taking it on the chin, isn't he?

deepwater - 
mmafan7 -  Gamebred , you and your boys have been doing the attacking for years. The XFC finally is responding and it bothers you. Too bad.

annonymous screen names on the internet is your idea of a response? lol. you go deepwater!!

I know more about you then you know and trust me when I say and can prove that I have done more for the armed forces and charity then everyone of you at the XFC combined!

mmafan7 - I know more about you then you know and trust me when I say and can prove that I have done more for the armed forces and charity then everyone of you at the XFC combined!

You are an idiot and all of your posts illustrates that. Get a life .I am not surprised you want credit for something that can't be proved. You have lied so much online I am convinced you are lying now as well. Tune in Sept. 5th , the XFC will be live on HD Net and Bobby Lashley is on the card. Then stayed tuned , the XFC has shows scheduled in Europe. The XFC seems to have alot going on for an organization that does not know what they are doing , according to you that is.

I wish you and your staff well and glad you are doing well or appear to be doing well. I have not lied about one thing and can prove whatever you think is not true. Don't make me call out members of your staff who will support some of the claims.