XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

mmafan7 - I have not lied about one thing and can prove whatever you think is not true.

Great! Earlier you claimed that you've done more for the U.S. Armed Forces & charity than everyone at the XFC combined.

Here you go. Prove it.

I agree. Prove it. You like to put the XFC on defensive , now you are. PROVE IT. Don't say another word until you do. Put up or shut up once and for all.

No problem and you bring your cashed checks to any and all charity's. Let's see who has the larger number!

Just a question how do you make a guy (Rafaello Oliveria) fight your champ at a catch weight for a chance to fight him again for the title? does not seem fair at all. just a question

DON'T ask them any questions that will make the XFC look bad!

mmafan7 - No problem and you bring your cashed checks to any and all charity's. Let's see who has the larger number!

So now you can't "prove" anything until someone does something first, eh?

Thought so.

HEY MORON! I said I have raised more money then your whole company and can prove it. YOU claim that is not true, so how much do I need to show you? YOU show what the XFC has sent to any charity anywhere in the world and I will prove I have raised more! PERIOD!

It seemed like a valid question that wont get answered. its not like two champs fighting like Penn and GSP. so there should be a reason but guess not

mmafan7 - HEY MORON! I said I have raised more money then your whole company and can prove it.

It's "my" company now? Awesome! I've always wanted my own company!

Anyway, you made a very specific claim -- one that YOU said that YOU can prove. Now prove it.


How can the XFC donate money when they don't make any! Last Tampa show sold 412 tickets as per the St Pete Times Forum

I can and will prove that I have raised more then the XFC and if they have sent 0 then all I need to show is a check of any kind for more then 0.

mmafan7 - How can the XFC donate money when they don't make any!

And just a little bit earlier, you whined about the XFC paying fighters more money than everyone else -- and then claimed that the XFC is ALSO paying people to post on this message board!

I wonder how a company that doesn't make any money can afford to do all this, eh?

And I'm STILL waiting for your proof.


I never posted that or said that so get your shit straight!

And just a little bit earlier, you whined about the XFC paying fighters more money than everyone else -- and then claimed that the XFC is ALSO paying people to post on this message board!

mmafan7 - I never posted that or said that so get your shit straight!

Wow, you seem awfully tense!

Maybe a nice visit to one of your all-male strip clubs will put a smile back on your face. Party on, Senator Craig!

whatever! Good luck in whatever you do

mmafan7 - whatever! Good luck in whatever you do

And thanks for that iron-clad proof, stud!

How slow are you? I said I could prove I have raised more then the whole staff of the XFC and I can. What amount have you raised?

Talking to you and your staff is like watching your events-- pain full

mmafan7 - How slow are you? I said I could prove I have raised more then the whole staff of the XFC and I can.

Great. Prove it.


Sure 1 dollar to the US Navy will prove it