XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

Plummer needs to write for a sitcom

mmafan7 - Sure 1 dollar to the US Navy will prove it

The money you pay sailors for sex doesn't count.

Again, you made a specific claim. Just like you do at those all-male strip clubs... back it up!

I can prove I have raised more but need to know what you have sent, so I can show that I have sent more! It really is that easy

jushintiger - Sure are a lot of matching IP's on this thread. Yes I know people can be have the same provider with matching IP's, but 6 people?


Hey Shah5297...Thanks for the props...I would love to make more money!! You think I could fight and write??? (hey look now Im a poet) But hey how is CT doing??? I didnt have a chance to talk to him after the fights...Tell I said whats up and not to screw around get back in the gym!!! See you guys later gotta go and train now...OHHH yeah this is
Corey "The Freak" Krebs...If you said Plumbers Crack he wouldnt know who your talking about

mmafan7 - I can prove I have raised more but need to know what you have sent, so I can show that I have sent more!

OF COURSE you do! Hey, how could I possibly NOT trust a guy who frequents hookers & visits all-male strip clubs while spinning homoerotic conspiracy theories about MMA promotions?

But between now and then, Pinky, why not do what you normally do at the Blue Oyster Bar -- and put your money where your mouth is -- and state exactly how much you give to charity?

Go ahead.

jushintiger - Sure are a lot of matching IP's on this thread. Yes I know people can be have the same provider with matching IP's, but 6 people?

I ain't one of them, am I?

Gee... that MUST be because the XFC has purchased me my own private IP address!! (Y'know -- with the money they overspend on fighters and overspend on employees to post online... while not making any money and never giving to charity.)

I swear, even Oliver Stone would listen to some of these conspiracy theories and instantly conclude that guys like mmafan7 need to stop snacking on paint chips and consuming their own urine.

I don't know if it's simply a matter of petty jealousy... but why not just APPLAUD the XFC for going farther than any other Florida MMA promotion, breaking new ground, and giving some very talented fighters their big break on national TV -- on a damn good fight card?

Wouldn't that make more FAR sense than attacking 'em for the LAMEST things possible -- like saying that their card girls are "hookers" and for not publicizing their charitable contributions? 'Cause I gotta tell ya, when you're reduced to criticizing them over that... it's essentially the online equivalent of TAPPING OUT!

i think a promotion who based its first several events on a "support the troops" campaign shouldnt be so defensive when someone asked to see what actual "support" was given, huh john? i would think you would love to make that info public, no?

Gamebred - i think a promotion who based its first several events on a "support the troops" campaign shouldnt be so defensive when someone asked to see what actual "support" was given, huh john? i would think you would love to make that info public, no?

Great point! 'Cause while we KNOW the XFC has repeatedly partnered with at least one military base -- and while we KNOW they've had military swearing-in ceremonies inside the cage at their events -- and we KNOW the military receives a booth outside their events -- and we KNOW the military is given VIP tickets for free -- and we KNOW the military is specifically thanked at their events -- and we KNOW they play a video before their shows thanking the Armed Forces -- and we KNOW the military receives branding and signage... WE WANT MORE!!! OPEN UP YOUR BANK STATEMENT, XFC!!! OH, THE HUMANITY!!! CURSES AND DRATS, YOU HANDSOME DEVILS!!!!

Jeez, man. How BADLY is your promotion getting creamed when you're reduced to complaining about the XFC's card girls looking too hot -- or not receiving itemized accounting information for a company's charitable contributions?!

Yes you give FREE tickets to the military, matter of fact you give FREE tickets to everyone. They have a swearing in before the fights and that is great! Yes you show a video and all stand together holding hands and crying like babies.You use signage of the miltary which makes your event look better.Where does that equal a cash donation to the military or any other charity? You guys are great but have not donated like you claim. You guys are wonderful but most of your fights are mis-matches. YES you are on TV and that is awsome as I would like all fighters to get more but come on XFC you are a sham!
As for the ring girls, I never mentioned them! I said the dancers are a waste of time, if we wanted a strip club we would have gone there and not the fights!

mmafan7 - Yes you show a video and all stand together holding hands and crying like babies.

Wow. Just WOW.

How LOW does a human being have to go to characterize someone's reaction -- ANYONE'S reaction -- to a video of our American heroes risking their lives overseas -- to defend our freedom, irrespective of politics or ideology -- as being in any way, shape, or form the equivalent of "holding hands and crying like babies"???

MMA trash talk might be one thing, but that's just pathetic.

YOU are a fake and a fraud! CRY everytime you start a show is a joke. You are a disgrace to what we in the military have done and will continue to do!

MrNova - 
Gamebred - i think a promotion who based its first several events on a "support the troops" campaign shouldnt be so defensive when someone asked to see what actual "support" was given, huh john? i would think you would love to make that info public, no?

Great point! 'Cause while we KNOW the XFC has repeatedly partnered with at least one military base -- and while we KNOW they've had military swearing-in ceremonies inside the cage at their events -- and we KNOW the military receives a booth outside their events -- and we KNOW the military is given VIP tickets for free -- and we KNOW the military is specifically thanked at their events -- and we KNOW they play a video before their shows thanking the Armed Forces -- and we KNOW the military receives branding and signage... WE WANT MORE!!! OPEN UP YOUR BANK STATEMENT, XFC!!! OH, THE HUMANITY!!! CURSES AND DRATS, YOU HANDSOME DEVILS!!!!

Jeez, man. How BADLY is your promotion getting creamed when you're reduced to complaining about the XFC's card girls looking too hot -- or not receiving itemized accounting information for a company's charitable contributions?!

It is not his promotion that is getting creamed, it is his training facility. What's that noise ? It's the noise of people leaving his training facility to go to the XFC's training facility.That is his problem, not the promotion.

I wonder if one of the TV stations would be interested in a story like this. A BIG company who claims they donate to the military and other charities but doesn't! Oh yea they let them swear young kids in at the event and cry when they show a video, that should be enough to snow the public.
Claiming these lies might be a big story, even on the national level since your on HD NET

I'm just shocked by mmafan7's response, man. I mean, look -- we all have our favorites, and ball-busting is a time-honored practice in the MMA industry... but at the end of the day, we all love MMA and want to see this sport grow, right?

And more than anything, we're all Americans, right?

Bashing someone's -- or ANYONE'S -- emotional response to a video that supports our heroes in harm's way is just loathesome. Especially when that emotional response is on the face of our enlisted men and women. What a pathetic cheap shot.

But not an unpredictable cheap shot, especially coming from a guy who kept saying he could "prove" that he gives more to charity and supports the U.S. military than EVERYIONE at XFC COMBINED -- and when pressed for more information, all he can say is that he donated $1 to the Navy. What a class act.

Jesus, man. What kind of despicable person are you?! And what kind of MMA promotion or MMA gym would want to associate with scum like that?!

I stand by everything I have said! You are all clowns when you stand up at EVERY event and cry! You own staff thinks its stupid! The public thinks its stupid! When I call every local TV station and have them look into your charity donations, they will get my proof and will back up everything I have said.I said I have raised more then your entire staff and since you have donated ZERO, I win at 1 dollar. Whatever you can provide that you and your entire staff have raised and or donated in your whole life time, then I will provide proof from charities local and national that I have provided more! It is that easy!YES we all love MMA and even like some of your fights but the stupid ass stuff you do at the events are a joke and so is your claim about donation'sCry at the first event maybe, second ok but everytime is a joke, just like everything else you do.

Jesus, man. What kind of despicable person are you?! And what kind of MMA promotion or MMA gym would want to associate with scum like that?!

If you only Knew!

mmafan7 - Jesus, man. What kind of despicable person are you?! And what kind of MMA promotion or MMA gym would want to associate with scum like that?!

If you only Knew!

If only I knew what a despicable person you are?! Well, that's very obvious to EVERYONE with an Internet connection.

You claim that you give to charity... and then all you can say is you've donated $1.

You pose like you support the military... and then you bash a video that supports the troops -- and that the troops appreciate -- calling them "babies".

You act like you're too moralistic for the XFC card girls... and then go to all-male strip clubs and talk about frequenting hookers.

You say the XFC doesn't have any money... and then ALSO whine about them paying more money to fighters than anyone else and accusing them of also having the funds to pay people to post on a message board.

You're just not a good human being, are you? I mean, I've heard about people who are so blinded by HATE that they'll say and do despicable things... but you're on a completely different level, man.

Why don't you say what organizations you're affiliated with, because I'm VERY curious to learn what group would associate with someone like you.

Go ahead.

HEY Moron! I never mentioned what you pay fighters or staff or people who post for you and could care less! I never said a word about the video itself,just you clowns making yourself cry while watching it!
Yes we are sick and tired watching hookers and strippers dance all night at YOUR fights, we came out to watch the fights.
I said I have raised more then YOU and YOUR staff and can prove it, which I can. Like I have said since the start of this crap, show me what you have sent and I will prove I have raised more. Even a moron like you can understand what I am saying.
You should talk to your staff, all of them and explain they talk to much out in public about you and your dealings.