XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

mmafan7 - HEY Moron!

And in addition to everything else, apparently you also talk to yourself. And despite your nervous back-peddling and unsubstantiated claims, your words and intent are pathetically obvious.

Again, please let EVERYONE here know which MMA organizations or training facilities would voluntarily decide to associate with a class act like you.

Go ahead.

get your claims straight! You are a scam and sham and hope you sleep well at night.

Again, please let EVERYONE here know which MMA organizations or training facilities would voluntarily decide to associate with a class act like you.

Go ahead. We're still waiting.

and I am waiting on your info to prove your a scum bag!

mmafan7 - and I am waiting on your info to prove your a scum bag!

That's funny. Just a little bit earlier, you said you could PROVE all your charges -- that you had all kinds of "inside" information! And now you're dependent on ME to help you?! Figures.

Again, which MMA organizations or training facilities would voluntarily choose to associate with a class act like you?

(Or do you need my help with that, too?)

YES, I can prove I have raised more then you! What have you donated and I will prove I have raised more! Yes your staff talks to much and it's not ever good about you. How can I prove I have raised more then you if you have not donated anything or can show you have?You like to talk in circles like you do when you cry with your staff.

mmafan7 - YES, I can prove I have raised more then you!

Of course you can -- with all that super-secret "inside" information, no doubt! Go ahead.

Otherwise, it's pretty clear you're stunningly -- and embarrassingly -- full of shit.

Meanwhile, why are you too ASHAMED to name the MMA organizations or training facilities that would voluntarily choose to associate with a winner like you?

Good luck my friend! Wish you didn't lie about what you do and have done but what do we expect from you and the XFC. Keep lying about your donations, keep crying when you see the military video. Keep doing what seems to be working for the sham you are pulling. Big Bobby coming in Sept will be big for you.

And thanks to YOU for providing all that super-secret "inside" information and proof! I'm convinced!

And when you're no longer too ashamed to name the MMA organizations or training facilities that you're affiliated with, drop me a line!

Dude! I have said I will provide all the info you would like but need to know how much you have donated so I can prove I have done more! If you won't or can't provide anything then a 1 dollar donation would prove I am right!

so go house hunting

mmafan7 - Dude! I have said I will provide all the info you would like

Yeah, you've SAID a lot. Trouble is, you've COMPLETELY FAILED at backing up ANYTHING! No proof, no inside information, NOTHING AT ALL!!!

Hell, you can't even name ONE SINGLE promotion or gym that you're even affiliated with!

But don't worry. We ALL believe you.

So between now and then, why don't ya tell us all another fable, Aesop?

Clown azz Provide anything and I will prove I have raised more. All I said was I have done more and you have done ZERO so it will be easy to prove

More stunning PROOF from mmafan7 -- the honest, ultra-connected MMA insider... who just can't name a sngle promotion or gym that would want to have ANYTHING to do with him! Atta boy!

Just out of curiosity, do all those voices in your head speak to you all together, or just one at a time?

When you can't provide anything at all you turn to name calling and trying to call me out! Nice TRY my man. Looking forward to your river of fake tears at your next event. Looking forward to any proof you have ever donate a dime to charity or the military.

mmafan7 - When you can't provide anything at all you turn to name calling and trying to call me out!

I didn't TRY to call you out. I DID call you out -- and you're still hiding under your desk with your thumb up your ass!

You have no "proof" -- which you earlier claimed to have. BUSTED!

You have no love for the military. You even mocked a video that was played -- with the military's blessing and approval -- at the XFC shows. BUSTED!

You have no "inside" information. BUSTED!

And here's the kicker: You can't even name ONE SINGLE organization or MMA gym that would stoop as low as to be affiliated with a loser like you. BUSTED!

But please keep on playing! You're just DAZZLING everyone with your intrepid debating skills and sparkling intellect! Excellent work!

Now I see why you have lost everything! You are clueless

The video is fine but you clowns hiding under it is what the problem is. Showing the video is ok but you clowns crying while watching it is STUPID!

Some of your Staff- HATE YOU and laugh at you while working at your event. That is a FACT

mmafan7 - That is a FACT

Of course! And I'm 100% positive that it's as factually accurate as everything else you've said!

Say, when's your imaginary MMA promotion having its next event?

I don't have a MMA promotion

mmafan7 - I don't have a MMA promotion

That's a shame. With your genius intellect and pleasant disposition, I'm sure they'd be very successful.

Im sure like your's!