XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

I did read the whole thing but looking ove rthe whole thing saw that you guys are going back and forth so just get each others number and hook up already.
Mikey Gomez...

jushintiger - 
deepwater - It is not his promotion that is getting creamed, it is his training facility. What's that noise ? It's the noise of people leaving his training facility to go to the XFC's training facility.That is his problem, not the promotion.

Ugh Oh. Sounds like someone is trying to go for a nut shot on Rob Kahn. LOL this will get good.

Rob, is there truth to this statement?

lmao. not only is is not true, but u would be surprised by who i have been getting calls from over there to come train at my place because, in their words " there is nobody for me to roll with high level over here." Like i said earlier deepwater, if you would like to come by and test for yourself the training level at GT. you are welcome anytime.

Gamebred - 
jushintiger - 
deepwater - It is not his promotion that is getting creamed, it is his training facility. What's that noise ? It's the noise of people leaving his training facility to go to the XFC's training facility.That is his problem, not the promotion.

Ugh Oh. Sounds like someone is trying to go for a nut shot on Rob Kahn. LOL this will get good.

Rob, is there truth to this statement?

lmao. not only is is not true, but u would be surprised by who i have been getting calls from over there to come train at my place because, in their words " there is nobody for me to roll with high level over here." Like i said earlier deepwater, if you would like to come by and test for yourself the training level at GT. you are welcome anytime.

You have no idea how many of your students have been contacting the XFC. Your arrogance is the XFC's best marketing tool. Keep it up.

mmafan7 - Now I see why you have lost everything! You are clueless

The video is fine but you clowns hiding under it is what the problem is. Showing the video is ok but you clowns crying while watching it is STUPID!

Some of your Staff- HATE YOU and laugh at you while working at your event. That is a FACT

Well, mmafan7 I'm wondering if maybe the reason why you can be so certain of the aforementioned "FACT" is because you are the ex-head trainer of the XFC, Haki Lee, or one of is associates? is that why you know first hand?
perhaps your ill-feelings towards the XFC dancers are linked to your conservative financee who may have a problem with it, whereas you mentioned that you personally do not.

Maybe you don't have your own promotion because you are working out of Gold's Gym right now. AND It's possible the biggest lying scandal of them all was when you claimed to be a Gracie Barra Black belt, but had nothing to back that up, just like you have nothing to back up the claim that you have done more for the armed forces than anyone at the XFC.

Kory! You know I thought that was you. CT is fine a bit disappointed because he felt as good as he ever had in a fight and it didnt go his way. I saw him today at the gym he will be back in Sept. Im sure of it.
Lets put our heads together and work on a concept for a MMA sitcom LOL.

Haki Lee. Maybe blue belt level and that is generous. Lies to everyone he is a Gracie Barra Blackbelt. Not surprised at all he is mmafan. Heard from someone else it was him.

Something Prisco and Kahn would finally agree on. Haki Lee is a FRAUD . All his students at Golds gym on waters have been told by him that he is a gracie blackbelt.

deepwater - Something Prisco and Kahn would finally agree on. Haki Lee is a FRAUD . All his students at Golds gym on waters have been told by him that he is a gracie blackbelt.

agreed. he has lied so much about being a bjj blackbelt i think he really believes it.

I hate to interrupt the name calling for a moment but everybody needs to go check out the Masvidal vs Imada ASAP for the sickest sub ending you have seen in quite sometime.


now, the people who can go fuck themselves may go do so, lol

deepwater - Haki Lee. Maybe blue belt level and that is generous. Lies to everyone he is a Gracie Barra Blackbelt. Not surprised at all he is mmafan. Heard from someone else it was him.

What's a Haki Lee? (Either way, I guess that makes his scrotum a Haki-sack.)

Say, was this clown ever in the military -- as he claimed he was earlier in this thread -- or did he lie about that, too?


Actually I'm pretty sure that the funny thing, (other than every thing that MrNova says) is that I would respect you much more if you were Haki Lee, and at least had some connection to the XFC where you could base all your elaborate lies on.
Now you are just some guy talking out of his ass.


WAR jason goodall

Haki sack???!!! thats funny!! That guy is such a joke. I heard he has 4 people in his class. He has them brainwashed to think he actually knows what the f*ck he is doing. We all know that he is the biggest joke in Tampa. I say everyone start a thread calling his a$$ out. No one should pay their hard earned money for that crap. Its wrong and embarrassing

Hey Haki Sack, where did you go with your big mouth. Alot of people are looking into your background and it is not good. Still wearing the Gracie Barra Gi with Blackbelt at Golds Gym on waters avenue ? Just curious.

From training with Masvidal for a few years he has a habit of show boating.It cost him 75 grand! If you notice when he stands up he has this face wich I recognize..... and he wants everyone to know he is fine and this will never work.When he should have been rushing to stop the sub. We live and we learn.

Getem next time Jorge

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level
of our training"