XFC vs RFC Grand Prix

"Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life"

"I'm here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And i'm all out of bubble gum" -Roddy Piper

"Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments."

"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. "

this will never happen so its pointless

-mike yanez

"I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a Black Belt or i might break both your arms."

actually stated once

Mike Yanez

That is just Mike. To know him , is to love him. He is crazy but one hell of a trainer and a good guy.

you guys must be close, you have the same ip address

Haki Lee (mmafan7) where did you go. Maybe he went to the dry cleaner to pick up his Gracie Barra Gi with blackbelt. How are the packed classes for you going at Golds Gym on waters avenue. Are you still wearing the Gi with Blackbelt or after being exposed you decided to put it in the drawer. You are the fraud and word is you are about to be exposed big time. Boy did you get silent quick when called out.


All i know is Jimmy Austin would definately beat goodall rfc or xfc

I'm still waiting to see the list of GT guys that are defecting to the XFC gym. My guess is that its Arroyo. Or Marcus. Could be Bamboo. Andrew Parker? Dog? Midget? Monstah? Shane? Butter? Adam? Gil?

The suspense is killing me...

Serious quesition. Does the XFC still ask people to come train at their gym in order to be guaranteed a slot on an upcoming card? That's what they told me 2 years ago when I contacted them. Again, not mudslinging, since I neither train at any Tampa gym nor even live in FL.

had to laugh on that one

Interesting. By XFC President do you mean Prisco?


foot stomp - Just a question how do you make a guy (Rafaello Oliveria) fight your champ at a catch weight for a chance to fight him again for the title? does not seem fair at all. just a question

I train with Mahlow. The reason for the catchweight fight was because they didn't have an opponent scheduled for Oliveira and they called Mahlow on 2 weeks notice to fight. The idea for giving him a title shot didn't come up until after the fight was already signed.

keyrat - XFC as a whole is not bad they have good people there
Think if they fired the president it would be better
Stranger things have happened

If you need to find Yanez just go to the local pub. He is usually sleeping behind 4 empty pitchers of beer and a few dozen eaten wings.

deepwater - If you need to find Yanez just go to the local pub. He is usually sleeping behind 4 empty pitchers of beer and a few dozen eaten wings.

What...is that like a bad thing?

When your students can outlast you in a grappling match because you will inevitably "cardio-tap", yes.

GetInMyGuard - When your students can outlast you in a grappling match because you will inevitably "cardio-tap", yes.

are you saying mike gets tapped by his students because his cardio is bad?