Yamatodamashii Tshirt Contest!!!


email sent, let me know if i'm on the right track


Every one trains hard and everyone works hard. That is why we compete in sports. The difference is some one with Yamatodamashii pushes harder because for them there is no other option.

My personal example again, my one month goal is to run 2 miles in 16 minutes. I am on week 2 and am training with Yamatodamashii which means I push till I can't. This morning I ran 1.86 miles at the right speed and had to hit quick stop. At 1.3 miles I started feeling like I was going to throw up and at 1.6 miles I started to but kept swallowing because I had two options, keep running or throw up. Stopping wasn't an option. At 1.86 miles it came up. I now know I can run 1.86 miles and tomorrow I will push for at least 1.87. Normally I would have stopped at 1.3 miles.

Enson has a training "once in your life train with the will to die". So this week if you want to write about something to enter train as hard as possible and talk about it.

Here is something to think about..

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Ps. if you puke make sure you diseinfect the machine Mat etc. No one wants to see and smell what you ate for breakfest much less have to touch it. I was prepared and had a safeway bag.


TTT for purebred!




So here's my story, in a nutshell.....
Basicly this is just in regards to training....but i've been training for the past 3 years or so, and in the beginning it was just something to do, then it become about not getting whooped by friends and then it become about actually putting effort in away from training to help with training but on a more selfish personal level, like improving my diet and sleeping habbit things that would only effect me directly, But now it's changed again, and it's now more about improving myself for the sake of those that i train with so that i can be of more use to my training partners wich basicly ties into now understanding that in the future i will actually be responsiable to a degree with other peoples training......I'm hoping to teach in a few more years. I'm not sure i explained that correctly, or if it even applies as far as yamatodamashii is concered.

But it's gone from being something sellfish, to now being about something bigger than just me and how it effects me. again i'm not sure if i'm explaining this right, but i'm trying....lol bloody night shift sleep

Thanks for sharing!

I watched, "Letters from Iwo Jima" last night. there is a part where one of the soldiers writes a letter to his family and ends with, "Siago made, Yamato damashii" or I'll fight to the end.

I think this film captures the spirit of Yamato Damashii....thus, all of you who consider yourself Ichizoku are required to watch this film. Go out and rent it now...!

I agree, great movie, I own it!





BTW just ran 2 miles in 16minutes 23 seconds!! I would have made it under 8 if my ipod didn't disconect from me flailing around like a kid drowning.

^ NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!