You get one bodyweight exercise...

(Forgive my Jinx-like hypothetical.)

You're picked up by the hired mercenaries of the Rich White Fucker, and told that you're going to be placed on a desert island, supplied with food, water, and adequate entertainment. You have six months there to train for an MMA fight. If you win you get $1 million. If you lose the operatives will kill all the cute puppies and kittens on the planet. The trick is that you'll have no equipment or partners to aid your training, and they tell you that you will only be allowed one bodyweight exercise, to be named before they leave you on the island. You're going to be constantly monitored to make sure you don't deviate from your training. Which exercise do you choose, and why?

I would make it a murpee - a burpee with gymnastics rings hangin overhead, so it'll be a burpee with jump up onto the rings then do a muscle up then descend and drop down to another rep:)

good answer but i could go faster with straight burpee. Its more "sprint" like. More cardio. The "murpee" is muscular endurance. You might have to stop before your lungs are taxed enough.

muscle-up burpees with hand-clap pushup at the bottom.

murpees for cardio - do half-assed jumping muscle ups on that part.

I'd shadowbox

Which exercise:
breathing and meditation (preferably standing)

I really think most part of the fights are won firstly in your brain...

Murpees, as per Jorx.

If there are no rings, deck squat burpees.

Sit down, roll on your back w/ your legs tucked in, roll forward, jump squat up, then proceed with the burpee.


coach hale

"eh, i dont like that variation."

To each their own. :)

Which exercise: breathing and meditation (preferably standing)

That's a heck of a bodyweight exercise. Must involve lifting your bodyweight off of the ground with self-applied telekenesis ;)

I see you're shadow boxing and raise you shadow fighting (includes full standup and shadow rolling drills such as sprawls)


"dont u need a ring or bars for "muscle ups" or do i just have no idea wtf muscle ups are?"

You could weave a set out of grass and hang them off a coconut tree. :)

I suggest a backflip-ee. A burpee but you do a backflip rather than just jump up.

I'd run. Animal rights activists will be chasing me once all the cute puppies and kittens are dead.

Hadcore sunbathing, ten frce them into submission with you heat rash.


power farts

Sprints up a sand hill.