Yuki Kondo beats Sperry

"Nobody at 185 can beat Kondo at 185??? Matt Hughes comes to my mind...Kondo can beat Hughes... hah haha aha you make me laugh very hard "

Matt Hughes is a WW. his grappling credential pale in comparison to Kikuta, who is a LHW. Kikuta is the ADCC champ, Kondo KOed him. What makes you think Hughes would beat Kondo? that is a joke. Hughes would get killed in a ring setting by almost all the top fighters in his weight class. Hughes w/o the cage= Sapp w/o steroids, you without viagra.

Kondo is very good , not good enough to beat hughes, hendo or even busta IMO.

I can see this "new improved Kondo" beating Hughes... Kondo was able to hold his own against Barnett for Christ's sake...